
Introduction to Mind - Yoga School in Rishikesh - Sanskar Yogashala
You may be surprised at this healing. There are few people in the world whodon’t know the name of mind. Learned or ignorant, villager or townsman,civilized or uncivilized, most people are familiar with the world “mind”. Themind has special importance in the Vedas also. From time immemorial argumentsand differences of opinion exist in relation to mind.
In the time of king janaka, various spiritual conferences were organized,and the main topic of discussion was simply this mind. There has been muchanxiety in the human race on this question of mind, due to ignorance of itsessential nature and its functions. Many functions are even attributed to mindwhich don’t belong to it.Mind along is the cause of bondage and liberation ofhuman beings.
Such statements have often been misunderstood. Mind and intellect have beenconsidered one and the same, therefore, there has been confusion regardingtheir functions. Intermingling of their good and bad functions was allattributed to the mind and human beings had no clear idea what this mind could.
Yoga Teacher TrainingCourse in Rishikesh
This is not just the fault of ordinary people. Learned scholars have studiedthe scriptures and passed on their knowledge to the general public withoutthemselves attaining realization. Nor did they strive to achieve properresearch in this matter as is done in most subjects nowadays.
Sanskar Yogashala provides an excellent environment and life Changingopportunity to make it a learning for a lifetime. Virtuous Karma and Sanskarfor TTC to enhance your personality throughout. Our mission is to spread thepure knowledge of Yoga throughout the globe.
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