
How to treat carpal tunnel syndrome with Physiotherapy?
A tingling, numb sensation in the forearm and wrists. Very common in people who perform manual work using repetitive movements, carpal tunnel syndrome can also be related to hormonal changes. Therefore, it is perhaps more registered in women between 35 and 60 years old, says the best physiotherapist in Delhi.
But even before talking about the physiotherapeutic procedures to treat carpal tunnel syndrome, it is necessary to understand the concept of the term.
What is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS is a very common neuropathy in the upper limb (wrists and hands). It consists of compression of the median nerve, which passes through the carpal tunnel. Inside the tunnel are the median nerve and the tendons of the finger flexors, from the forearm to the hand.
Any situation that increases pressure within the canal causes compression of the median nerve and, consequently, carpal tunnel syndrome. Among the main symptoms are the sensation of tingling and numbness (paresthesia) and in the most severe cases, difficulty in daily activities such as holding a glass, nailing a button, threading a needle or even getting dressed.
Electrothermy Phototherapy
One option is electrothermy phototherapy – a set of electrical stimulation techniques used to relieve pain, in addition to controlling inflammation and acting on tissue healing. These include ultrasound, short waves, laser and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). Each of these techniques works differently.
Ultrasound: in Physiotherapy in Dwarka, it is used to produce a movement in longitudinal waves in the form of mechanical vibration, increasing metabolism and blood flow. The technique nourishes and regenerates tissues, contributing to the decompression of nerve endings and pain reduction.
Short waves: high-frequency electrical waves that generate heat. Used therapeutically, they warm the tissues, increasing blood flow and reducing pain and inflammation.
Laser: phototherapy resource that generates analgesia and anti-inflammatory effect, stimulating cells and modulating connective tissue in the regeneration and healing processes. It is commonly applied to injuries to tendons, muscles and ligaments, as well as helping to heal open wounds.
TENS: acronym for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, it is used for the relief of pain in acute or chronic processes, low back pain, neuralgia, pain related to arthritis, etc. An electrical device controls the intensity of the stimuli to be applied. Meanwhile, small electrodes attached to the skin make the current reach the muscles.
Physiotherapeutic Treatment
Among the lines of treatment for the problem are the surgical procedure, the clinical (medication) and the Physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka. Today, we will address the latter.
Initially, a physiotherapeutic evaluation by the Physiotherapist in Dwarka will make it possible to outline the goals to be achieved during the treatment and a specific conduct according to the type and severity of the injury.
Manual Techniques
The use of manual physical therapy techniques has physiological effects on pain, with relief of symptoms, reduction of edema in the chronic and acute phases and greater mobility of contracting tissues.
Osteopathy – physiotherapeutic treatment that aims to correct dysfunctions and recover from musculoskeletal injuries and organic changes, and can act in the treatment, minimizing discomfort and pain.
Osteopathic maneuvers are performed on tissues and involve joints, muscles, fascia, ligaments, capsules, viscera, nervous, vascular and lymphatic tissue.
Neural mobilization is a manual therapy technique directed at neural tissue. The purpose is to restore the movement and elasticity of this tissue, in addition to promoting the return to its normal functions. It acts on the nerve root and path, improving neural physiology. The result is reduced pain. Generally, its use is associated with other physical therapy techniques.
A group of physiotherapeutic techniques and procedures in which low temperatures are applied to the affected site. Known as 'cold therapy', it is based on applications of ice. It has an analgesic effect, provides a reduction in neural transmission, in addition to reducing muscle spasm and consequently pain.
Therefore, several physiotherapeutic procedures can be used by the Physiotherapist in Delhi for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome – some associated, others not. If the symptoms are not normalized, other therapeutic modalities such as the placement of orthoses to immobilize the wrist and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs may be effective. As a last resort, surgery is indicated.