A hair transplant is a surgical method, which involves incisions in both the donor as well as recipient area, so it is important to select a good hair transplant surgeon, who not only has a degree to perform but also has serious experience of performing the same. You can also visit Avenues Cosmetic Clinic as it is one of the best hair transplant clinics having the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon In India. So visit the website and book your appointment right now
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Withthe increasing technology, everything is taking a new and advancedshape, looking over the treatments for hair loss and baldness, thereare various temporary treatments which are used to get rid of hairloss, but according to research, only hair transplant is a permanenttreatment that can help in reducing hair loss and in generating newhair growth at the place of baldness. But do you know which is thebest technique for having a hair transplant? Readout this article inwhich BestHair Transplant Doctor in India at AvenuesCosmetic Clinic is explaining about the best technique for havinga hair transplant today, it is one of the best clinics for having ahair transplant. So let’s get started.
Tounderstand it better let’s start from the beginning, which is fromthe meaning of a hair transplant.
WhatIs A Hair Transplant?
Ahair transplant is a process in which the best hair transplantsurgeon in India removes hair from the backside of the scalp andtransplants them to the bald area of the scalp. The area from wherethe hairs are taken out is known as donor area and the area fromwhere the hair is transplanted is known as recipient area.
WhichMethods Are Considered Best To Have A Hair Transplant?
Hairtransplant involves two methods, follicular unit transplantation(FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). let’s discuss both ofthem.
FollicularUnit Transplantation (FUT)
Follicularunit transplantation (FUT) also known as strip harvesting is a methodin which a strip of hair is removed from the back part of your scalp,after removing the strip the surgeon divides the hair follicles inindividual or small groups of grafts and then transplants them to thebald area of the scalp.
HavingFUT hair transplant you can transplant more amount of hair andmeanwhile can cover more area of baldness in one go. The onlydrawback that having FUT you can face is it provides scars that arevisible for some days and it also needs more recovery time ascompared to the FUE hair transplant process.
FollicularUnit Extraction (FUE)
Follicularunit extraction (FUE) is a hair transplant process in which the besthair transplant doctor in India removes individual hair folliclesfrom a hair-covered part of the scalp, usually, the backside of thescalp is considered best. After analyzing the follicles, thefollicles are transplanted on the bald area of the scalp.
Thisprocess is considered as one of the most common methods because itprovides maximum coverage of the bald. It is considered a good optionfor people who put their hair short or even shaved because it doesnot provide scarring over the skin as it is considered as the leastinvasive method of hair transplant.
WhichTechnique Is Best To Opt For FUT Or FUE?
BothFUE and FUT are considered best methods depending upon thecircumstances that a patient owns, so it is best to let the surgeondecide the best method of hair transplant as he analyzes and checksthe best suitable method for you.
Ahair transplant is a surgical method, which involves incisions inboth the donor as well as recipient area, so it is important toselect a good hair transplant surgeon, who not only has a degree toperform but also has serious experience of performing the same. Youcan also visit Avenues Cosmetic Clinic as it is one of thebest hair transplant clinics having the BestHair Transplant Surgeon In India. So visit thewebsite and book your appointment right now.