
How increase in blood flow cure erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction happens atcertain point in the adult life. It happens when blood flow to the sexual organis less than required for a hard erection. Erection is the possible only whenthe sexual organ of man receives adequate blood flow in the soft tissue.
The blood flow is normal in ahealthy individual. The trigger for the blood flow is the brain signal to thenerve when a man is sexually excited. Several issues decrease the blood flow inthe body towards the sexual organ. Medial issues, age related problems and psychological issues are the causes that cause erectile issues.
Blood flow and erection process
It is useful to understand how blood flow gives a male an erection that is firm enough for a sexual activitywith a female. The penis is made in sucha way that it gets an erection when it is filled with the blood. The penis orsexual organ of a male has three tissues, two corpora cavernosa, which are onboth sides of the penis and one corpus spongiosum, which is under the penis.The penis has no bone in it. When a man is sexually excited, all three tissuesare filled with the blood. These tissues are rich with blood vessels and filledwith blood they expand and enlarge the penis. The sexual excitement makes thepenis firmer and harder.
Some males who feel inadequateblood flow take the stronger dose of Levitra 40mg forfaster and quicker erection. This higher dose of levitra starts action in just45 minutes and a man get the power to have an erection for next 4-5 hours.
Whenever there is any disturbancein the flow of the blood to the penis, it leads to the erectile dysfunction. The erection process starts when a signal issent to the nerve system from the brain. The trigger from brain happens whenthere is physical or psychological stimulus. So whatever is the trigger, theblood has to flow to the penis to give a hard erection.
Low testosterone also has animpact on the erection process. The testicles produce sperms and testosterone.The level of testosterone in the body also decides the erection level that aman can achieve.
Now due to weak vessels thatcarry blood to the penis, the erection level is not firm, which renders a manincapable of sexual activity. The vessels become weak due to several reasons,age related issues to the medical issues. The emotional and mental issuesdecrease the blood flow, as mind cannot play the role; it has to play in theerection process.
The use of erectile dysfunction drugs improves the blood flow to the penis. Viagra 200mg is used incase of difficult erection or extreme case of erection. It is used for themales with highest erectile issue. It boosts the blood flow to the soft tissuesof the penis. The process is chemical which curbs the role of the PDE5. Then aViagra is taken, the sildenafil, the active ingredient in it, supports thefunction of cGMP, to expand the blood vessels and increase the blood flow tothe penis. When soft tissues of the penis are enlarged by the increase in bloodflow, they stop the backward flow of the blood from the penis, which sustainsthe erection.
Every erectile dysfunction drug does the same basic function. The only difference is in their chemical composition. Cialis 20mg has tadalafil, asactive ingredient to promote the blood flow. Any man who feels that normally the blood flow is inadequate to get the erection can use the drugs for anerection. The choice of the drugs depends on the man. It is personal choice;there is nothing that distinguishes one drug for erectile dysfunction from theother drug.
All erectile dysfunction drugs create the basic condition to let the blood flow towards the penis, but thefirmer and harder erection comes only when a man is sexually excited. Before picking up any one drug for erection,the user has to ensure that he knows his degree of erectile dysfunction.The correct dose will give maximum result without side effects. A higher dosefor a normal erection issue can enhance the side effects. Also a user has toavoid any medicines with erectile dysfunction drugs, as the reaction canincrease the side effects.