Have You Been Wondering Which Is The Right Hair Transplant For You?
Have You Been Wondering Which Is The Right Hair Transplant For You?
if you are facing any kind of hair loss problem consult AvenuesCosmetic Clinic as it is one of the best clinics having the best hairtransplant surgeon and Ahmedabad and hospital facilities, the bestpart here is that it provides the treatment in an affordable HairTransplant Cost in India. So do visit the websiteand book your appointment right now.

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Havinghair loss many things comes into mind, hair loss not only lowers downthe self-confidence but also affects the self-esteem of individuals.Hair transplant is the only treatment through which people can attaintheir natural-looking hair again. But there are various types of hairtransplant and in between them, a few prove to be helpful to gainhairs back. So are you also confused among the different types ofhair transplants? If so than readout this article in which HairTransplant Surgeon in Ahmedabad at AvenuesCosmetic Clinic is explaining it. It is one of the best clinics inIndia which provides the surgery in affordable hair transplant costin India.

ThereAre Various Types Of Hair Transplant which includes The Following:

ATPHair Transplant

AdvancedTrico Pigmentation (ATP) is a hair transplant which seems to be thebest option for people who have short or shaved hair. It isconsidered the least invasive method, now surgeons do not recommendthis process as it is not as effective as other methods of hairtransplant.

Typically,the surgeon creates an illusion of stubble by creating several tinymarks with a special kind of ink. This procedure doesn’t last formore than 6-7 years, thus it is considered a temporary method.

FUTHair Transplant

Follicularunit transplantation (FUT) is a method of hair transplant in which athin strip of hair is extracted from the donor area and thentransplanted into the bald. This method is considered as a goodoption to regain a high quantity of hair with the highest number ofgrafts, however, it causes scarring in the donor as well as thetransplanted area. FUT hair transplant is also known as a stripharvesting hair transplant.

FUEHair Transplant

FollicularUnit Extraction or FUE is the most popular type of hair transplant inwhich a good surgeon removes individual hair grafts or follicles fromthe scalp with a microscopic surgical instrument and then makeincisions in the bald area of the scalp to transplant this hairfollicles. This method provides less scarring as compared to FUT andit also includes less recovery time.

WhichMethod Is Considered Good For Having A Hair Transplant?

Afterdeciding to have a hair transplant, it is important to select asuitable method of having it because the selection of method decidesthe overall new growth of hair, every method contains its ownadvantages and disadvantages but it is important to select thebest-suited method for a patient.

Themost important thing for having a hair transplant is to select a goodhair transplant surgeon like hair transplant surgeon in Ahmedabad, ifyour surgeon is experienced and qualified enough to perform your hairtransplant, it is best to leave the rest of all the decisions likethe suitable method and number of grafts up to the surgeon, heanalyzes everything after consulting and performing several tests forhaving a successful hair transplant.

Soif you are facing any kind of hair loss problem consult AvenuesCosmetic Clinic as it is one of the best clinics having the best hairtransplant surgeon and Ahmedabad and hospital facilities, the bestpart here is that it provides the treatment in an affordable HairTransplant Cost in India. So do visit the websiteand book your appointment right now.