
Hair Transplant in Indore - What Exactly Do They Do?
Generally, hair fall is considered a normal phenomenon because it is a part of the hair growth cycle. If the nature of the disease is temporary, the hair fall stops after some time. permanent hair loss or male pattern baldness cannot be treated with the help of medicines or other procedure and there is no chance that the disease goes away without any treatment. Thus, hair transplant in Indore is the only solution for hair loss.
It is necessary to get help from the doctor if you are facing severe hair loss. And, most of the hair loss surgeon agree that the most common and permanent solution of hair loss is hair transplant surgery. In this blog, we are going to tell about a normal hair transplant surgery procedure.
Carry on reading if you are facing any kind of hair loss!
Initial discussion:
Initial talk is the main phase of the treatment process. I this stage, you may ask about the clinic, treatment style, techniques, aftercare and whatever you have in your mind. Moreover, the surgeon may ask about your problem, medical history, health condition, and your expectations.
In this stage, the surgeon may tell you about all the possible solutions of your problems.
after the initial discussion, the surgeon has to diagnose your problem deeply. Maybe you found to have temporary hair loss or permanent hair loss. If the hair loss is permanent, the surgeon may search for the cause and by removing the cause, you may get relief. However, the nature of baldness is permanent, you need hair transplant surgery for proper treatment.
The treatment of permanent hair loss is possible with the help of hair transplant surgery. Generally, two main techniques are used to perform the surgery. These techniques are called follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction.
The surgery is performed by trained experts in a sterile environment. The surgeon removes the hair follicles from the donor area and implants the hairs to the recipient area.
After the surgery, the surgeon provides some essential instructions to the patients and all the instructions should be followed by the patients.
After the surgery, some side effects are common, such as brushing, redness, mild pain, swelling, and itching. Usually, the hair loss expert is able to handle all these side effects. Most of the surgeons provide proper medicines for side effects.
Necessary qualification for performing the surgery
The surgeon needs to have proper license and degree before he starts to perform hair transplant in Indore since hair transplant is a surgical treatment and only doctors are allowed to treat the patients of hair loss. Moreover, doctors should be experienced and adaptable.
If you are looking for a reasonable hair transplant cost in Indore, you can visit the Marmm Klinik. In the clinic, the experts are going to assist you from the start to the end of the treatment process.