
You should have developed a complete lesson plan for your Yoga class within the material of your written exam. As harsh as this may sound: Essay exams will teach you more.
Multiple choice or true / false exams are a “process of elimination,” and over the long-term, the facts you learn may be easily forgotten. A Yoga teacher training in india written exam should be a measurement of what a Yoga teacher should know.
3) There might also be, at least, one essay. For example: You might pick a health topic to write about for your essay (3 pages — typed). It could be an overview of Yoga, and its relationship to health, or it could be Yoga and its relationship to a specific ailment.
4) Once you have your Yoga lesson plan template, you can start to refine it for your practical exam (video or DVD). As far as VCD’s, or DVD’s, make sure the examiner can read any format — from any part of the world.

5) In your Yoga course, there should also be a number of continuing education resources, for Yoga teachers.
You should not get side tracked by these during the Yoga certification process. Therefore, focus on your Yoga teacher written exam, the essay, and the practical exam first — and in that order.
Q: What Yoga teacher training level should I start from, and how do I proceed to the next Yoga teacher levels?
A: You should start with a Level 1, 200-hour minimum, Yoga teacher training course.
Q: Are there additional costs in correspondence Yoga teacher courses, which I need to be aware before I start the training, so that I can factor them in?
For International Yoga teacher interns, the only additional cost should be, shipping, and if customs charges an Import Fee, on educational materials. However, you should always ask about extra fees; just to be sure.
Q: I have developed a strong awareness of the benefits of Yoga. There are no Yoga teachers in my locality. Can my Yoga training develop my awareness into a life long career, as a Yoga instructor?

A: To be honest — Yoga teacher certification is only the first step in the journey of teaching Yoga. As you progress — you will either do independent research or take more Yoga courses.
This is the way it is for all Yoga teachers. Most of the time, we tend to focus on finding answers and helping our Yoga students, who have ailments. As a result, you will most likely research Yoga techniques for helping your students.
Take advantage of the opportunity for Yoga teacher training in Goa. again; take advantage of the opportunity. You will be much better off by networking with the nearest Yoga teachers, who teach a similar Yoga style.