
Anulom-Vilom Pranayama: How to do it – Yoga In Rishikesh – Sanskar Yoga Shala
Now we come to the next pranayama technique which is named as anulomvilom Pranayama. The name has two distinct words which refer to the twonostrils, the right nostril, and the left nostril. This pranayama techniquetranslates to alternate nostril breathing and is among the most practiced andrecommended pranayama techniques among the various techniques we would come toknow. Let us have a deeper look into this pranayama technique. In the samecomfortable and still seated position we first check for our clear air passagesbefore we go on ahead. Next, using any of our hands either the right one or theleft we can either use the two mid fingers to close one nostril while the thumbis used for closing the other nostril respectively.
In other words, if you are using your right hand then the two mid fingers areused to close the left nostril while the thumb is used to close the rightnostril. This way we use your hands either left or right and control theopening of either nostril as we wish. Next, we first keep open one nostrilwhile the other nostril is kept closed for the start of inhalation. Likewise,we inhale with this one open nostril and let our lungs fill completelycomfortably and as per the pace of breath, the body can without any specialeffort. Once inhaled completely and no more air can be drawn in we close theopen nostril slowly and then slowly open the other nostril which was closedduring inhalation. Now through this other nostril, we start exhaling once againcomfortably and as per the pace of breath, the body can exhale without specialeffort.
Exhalation continues until no more air can be exhaled. Once empty taking a veryshort pause we start inhaling from the same nostril in a similar manner asearlier and until no more breath can be inhaled. Once inhaled and no morebreath can be taken by the body we slowly close this nostril and slowly openthe alternate nostril reaching back to the nostril from where we started ourbreathing cycle. Now as we did earlier we again continue to exhale in thesimilar comfortable and effortless manner as we did and once no more air can beexhaled one complete cycle of alternate nostril breathing is completed since wereached back to the nostril from where we started.
This way anulom-vilom or alternate nostril breathing is accomplished in onecycle. And we can continue with the next cycle in a similar manner as weobserve and feel that inhalation and exhalation both continue to become deeperand deeper as well as more and more extended incapacity. The practitioner alsoexperiences the tendency of holding the breath once inhaled as well as holdingthe breathing process once exhaled as the practice progresses. This extensionand enhancement of all minute processes of breathing make this pranayama one ofthe key Pranayama techniques known to practitioners. Hence, an extension ofthis very pranayama has also been known as NADI SHODHAN Pranayam which purifiesand cleanses the nerve channels and also the practitioner as a whole.
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