
Unwanted hair removal is tedious and frustrating in many circumstances. Traditional methods such as waxing, shaving, and tweezing are helpful for temporarily removing hair, but they are not permanent. Laser hair removal performed by the use of laser technology is an effective, quick, and durable solution for removing unwanted hair. Nowadays, laser hair removal treatments are used by both men and women to remove hair effectively and to get long-lasting results. Laser hair removal can be used to treat any area of the body.
This procedure does not completely remove hair, but it does reduce new hair growth by 80% to 95%, and the new hair that does emerge is more pleasing and easier to maintain. To provide one with a better understanding, in this blog, Dr. Rohit Batra, the leading dermatologist who provides the Best Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Delhi, has shared some beneficial advantages of undergoing laser hair removal treatment.
What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a simple procedure when carried out by a skilled dermatologist or laser technician.
This is how it works:
The doctor, with the help of a laser, treats the area with undesirable hair. The laser's light pulses assault the hair follicle and the base of the hair, by damaging and stopping them from regrowing.
The hair growth happens in three stages that are as follows:
Anagen phase- Hair in the anagen phase grows by almost half an inch every month and continues to grow for about three to four years, even after being trimmed.
Catagen Phase- The hair follicles start to shrink while the hair is still growing. This lasts for around 2 weeks.
Telogen Phase- The hair follicles in this stage go into a dormant state for a few months before beginning to grow once more. The old hair falls off and is replaced by new hair.
Additionally, the hair must be in the growing phase for the laser to efficiently destroy the root. Hence due to this, multiple laser treatment sessions are necessary. To capture each hair throughout the growth phase, one will need to schedule multiple sessions that are generally performed a couple of weeks apart.
Advantages of Laser Hair Removal
Here are some of the benefits shared by the expert dermatologist about laser hair removal:
It’s Quick
If one is looking for a quick fix for hair removal, the quickest method to eliminate unwanted hair is through laser hair removal. However, to achieve permanent results, one needs to attend a few sessions, but the majority of the treatment sessions will only last a few minutes. The smaller the area to be treated, the shorter period of time one will spend under the laser.
It Is Less Painful Than Other Hair Removal Techniques
Laser hair removal is considerably less painful, contrary to popular belief. Many people would describe it as feeling like a rubber band being snapped on their skin. Depending on one’s pain threshold, one might find it a little uncomfortable, but because the sessions go by so quickly, most people find it tolerable.
It's Accurate
Laser hair removal is precise, making it the best option for people who want to target and get rid of a few specific hairs. This makes it a fantastic choice even if one only needs to get rid of a little patch of hair from the hairline, upper lip, nose, bikini line, or brows.
Any Area Of The Body Can Have Its Hair Removed.
With the exception of eyelashes, laser hair removal can be used to treat any area of the body. It works best on regions like the back and bikini line, which can be painful to wax and difficult to reach with razors.
One Doesn't Have To Endure Regrowth
Some techniques, like waxing and plucking, require one to put up with some regrowth in between sessions. However, one can always have smooth, hair-free skin with laser hair removal.
It Is a Long-Term Fix
Most people observe long-lasting and permanent results using laser hair removal. Although one might require a touch-up in some circumstances a few months or years down the lane, it is still one of the greatest long-term fixes available.
At the very least, one will experience a long-term reduction in hair growth that gets easier with time. It's economical because it's a long-term solution. Since one won't need to purchase monthly waxes or replacement razor blades, one can save hundreds or even thousands of rupees throughout their lifetime.
Before undergoing any laser treatment, it is advised to get consulted by an expert dermatologist first. Although laser hair removal is effective on people with various skin tones, the advancements in laser technology has helped many people to achieve a smooth hair free skin.
Make a consultation appointment with Dr. Rohit Batra at DermaWorld Skin & Hair Clinics to learn more about the treatment procedure, benefits and cost of laser hair removal treatment in Delhi.