5 bad food combinations you should avoid
5 bad food combinations you should avoid
Mixing ingestion of food is a routine practice by many people today that results in weight gain, bloating and other negative consequences.

Let’s examine some of these food pairings.

5 bad food combinations you should avoid

Mixing ingestion of food is a routine practice by many people today that results in weight gain, bloating and other negative consequences.

Let’s examine some of these food pairings.

1.) Two high-protein foods :High protein foods tends to be absorbed into your stomach which can cause bloating and weight gain. It also slows down digestion time. You can substitute these using fresh, fruity fruits.

2.) Pizza with any kind of carbonated liquid Chesey substances along with any carbonated beverage such like Coca Cola, Pepsi etc. The carbs found in Pizza together in combination with Starch and Protein take a long time to digest, consuming a plenty of energy. Morever sugar found in Carbonated Drink further slows down the process of digestion.

3.) Food along with water or juice:The most toxic combinations of all. Drinking water or juice with food, dilutes the acid created by stomatch that aids digestion. Stomatch’s ability to break down protiens into more simple fragments for digestion.

4.) Alcohol with Sweets: This combination accounts up to 60 percent of the weight gain. Alcohol alters blood sugar levels and creates insulin that, under the influence of sweets is stored as fat, leading to unintentional and undesirable weight increase.

5) Bananas & Milk: This combination is extremely heavy and causes an increase in bloating within the stomatch. Combining these two foods together can reduce your mental capacity.

Beware of these combos and make each step closer to achieving your health objectives.