
What All Could Be Causing Your Hair Loss? Read On To Learn More
Hair loss is normal – everyone loses a few hairs every single day; it is only when you start noticing too many hair or bald spots or very obvious thinning that you need to hit the panic button. As a matter of fact, even then you need not panic because a simple solution might be on offer with a hair specialist doctor. Many times, the solution to your hair loss lies in the reason that might be causing it – for instance, if you are facing hair loss because of a shampoo, you could reduce the same by simply changing your shampoo! However, in some cases, the causes could be a lot more complicated and might need more serious intervention.
- Hereditary or genetics: This is perhaps one of the most common reasons for hair loss and is not particular to any gender as such; both men and women can face hair loss due to the genes that have been handed down to them. This kind of hair loss can manifest at any age, but should it start showing early on, you can consult a specialist and look into early hair fall treatment in Delhi or whichever city you are in. If hair loss is in your genes, the chances of stopping the same are perhaps on the lesser side, however, there are treatment procedures that can help you slow down the process. These would include therapies like PRP, laser hair combs and in the most severe cases, you could consider a transplant.
- Age: Age is a natural process and when you start to age, it will start to show on various parts of your body – your skin will start to sag, hair will turn grey and of course, there could be greater hair loss too. As a matter of fact, male-pattern hair loss is often age-related too. While there is no way to stop the process of aging, there are methods by which the process can be slowed down a little – so, should you start taking care of your hair at a young age, the loss should be substantially less when you age. Warm oil massages, less usage of chemical-based products, and clinical procedures such as PRP and laser hair combs could all help reduce the hair loss that tends to come with age.
- Childbirthor other stressors: There are certain times in our lives that tend to cause a lot of stress to the body – these include traumas, surgeries, and even childbirth. While during your pregnancy, you might see immense hair growth and volume, chances are that once the baby is out, the hair will also fall out. Similarly, when you undergo a physical or mental trauma, there could be hair loss, because of the stress that your body is undergoing. A surgery or a medical procedure could also lead to hair loss. However, the good thing about these hair losses is that once you are out of the condition that is causing the stress, your hair should return.
- Haircare and hairstyles: Sometimes the most common cause of hair loss is our own carelessness – when we do not follow proper hair care methods or use too many chemicals or heat-based tools on our hair, we are bringing the downfall of our own hair. If you are not oiling your hair, if you are not using the right type of shampoo, if you are using your heat-based styling tools on a daily basis, if you are tying your hair up very tight, you could be inviting hair fall. The moment you change these habits, your hair loss should reduce too.
- Scalp infection or other illnesses: In case you have been diagnosed with some sort of scalp infection or any other hair or scalp-related disease such as alopecia, you will obviously see hair loss. And while there is no real cure for certain kinds of alopecia, most scalp conditions are treatable. You will need to see a scalp and hair specialist doctor you should be able to see an improvement in not only the condition but also the hair loss.
- Medication: There are certain medications like those used for cancer treatment, which can cause tremendous hair loss and in the most severe cases, even complete baldness. However, for most people, the hair tends to return once the medication has been stopped or the condition has been cured.
If you are still wondering why you are facing hair loss, you can head to a specialized clinic for hair fall treatment in Delhi like AK Clinics, where you can talk to experienced doctors and find out not only the cause of your hair loss but also the correct course of treatment.