
What is ADHD?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a Neuro-developmental disorder. Throughout the world, it is the most misdiagnosed Disorder. The reason lies in its symptom profile and its occurrence. Most individuals with Attention deficit disorder are repulsive, angry, or disobedient.
As the Disorder manifests at an early age, Parents or caregivers may presume that they are misbehaving. These children also tend to perform poorly in academics and might fixate on games. This general behavior is poor in nature.
The name of the Disorder is written as Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, and the "/" is present to denote the difference between both. According to the diagnostic manuals, men have a higher incidence of hyperactivity while women have a higher incidence of Attention deficit. These symptom profiles are very different yet their manifestation is from the same origin.
ADHD Treatment
Attention-deficit symptoms create an overall under-confident personality, and these children are always under-mining themselves even if they are capable of it. This is why ADHA treatment is necessary. Hyperactive children are extreme risk-takers and are prone to hurt themselves in trying to play or seek fun. These children suffer many injuries due to overworking their muscles and joints.
Normal activities can fluster people with ADHD easily. The underlying cause for this inadaptability is their lack of focus. People with ADHD cannot continuously provide attention to one thing if they have no interest in it. They like bright lights, flashy colors, and fast-moving objects. Unfortunately, the academic curriculum and its instruments are not of that nature.
ADHD children are also poor at managing multiple tasks in normal or stressful situations. Time management skills are also not efficient. These symptoms are extremely obstacle-generating for children and later when they become adults. Daily life functioning becomes immensely difficult as well. Education takes a massive hit, along with finding or sticking to a proper job for earning.
ADHD-affected children require an efficient source of therapy and patience. Parents or caretakers who feel frustration will worsen the condition. The best route for ADHD treatment is to enroll the individual in proper therapy and follow the journey of being patient. The child's recovery and the relationship between the child and parents or caretaker will both benefit from this.
EEG Biofeedback and its Evolution to Neurofeedback
Electroencephalogram or EEG Biofeedback is a diagnostic technique used to monitor brain waves and learn more about the structures. The brain's functioning is mainly electrical. It is the source of information for the EEG biofeedback. The start of its uses was mainly for diagnosing and viewing the brain's electrical map.
Later it was discovered that we can use EEG Biofeedback for another purpose. It was found that the brain centers, when stimulated, emit peaks in brain waves, and these could be conditioned. The so-called training of the brain waves was a breakthrough, and applications started in patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinsonism, and Mental health disorders.
Neurofeedback for ADHD has been one of the most excelling treatment methods. Neurofeedback quickly started extensive reaches for its applications in all domains of health. The brain waves were the key for both diagnosis and treatment using Neurofeedback. Showing that the imbalances in the different brain waves would lead to disequilibrium. The derailment of the equilibrium leads to detrimental results.
Behavioral psychology is one of the fields that served an impeccable role. Psychological conditioning is the basis of Brain training. For the administration of technique, the work of B.F Skinner is incredibly useful. Through the use of Neurofeedback, we were able to see the effects of conditioning both in-process and in the result. Another reason why this new mode of therapy was important is to manage ADHD with brain training.
When patients can help heal their brain by learning the same process repeatedly, they can re-program how their brain works. Its applications were vast, from addiction to improving motor functioning and positively affecting neuro-developmental disorders.
Due to its endless applications, the process of Neurofeedback for ADHD is now highly utilized and improved. There is constantly more research being done on this treatment method. Many branches of medicine, psychology and other branches of science are also implementing Neural Therapy.
Neurofeedback for ADHD and how it works:
Neurofeedback for ADHD works by using electrical mapping of the brain as a behavioral tool. The ADHD treatment can effectively show which areas of the brain have stimulation and what stimuli are reaching peaks. Its applications go far beyond just behavior training, though.
Motor movements occur when the stimulus from the receptors reaches and converts into an electrical impulse. The impulse generates the brain's motor cortex, and thus movement occurs when the feedback is going to the effectors’ organs via spinal tracts.
In Parkinson’s disease, individuals have broken and labored movements. They cannot move, grip, and coordinate with their limbs, which results in them losing functionality. Through Neurofeedback for ADHD, we can train the spinal tracts and their process to work better.
The training of the brain's neural pathways can ease many of those who suffer from debilitating illnesses and mental health issues. This ADHD treatment method can essentially re-wire how we use our brains.
How to Manage ADHD with Brain Training?
Neurofeedback can play an effective role in ADHD treatment. According to observation, people suffering from ADHD have high use of their frontal brain. There is also an elevation in brain waves. Specifically, their theta and beta waves are very high. The results of EEG biofeedback prove that Neuro-therapy has a chance of re-wiring the brain.
Those who want to manage ADHD with brain training can rest easy. The treatment is highly effective if you do it in session, but it is important to know which form of ADHD are you dealing with. Neurofeedback training will require the patient to wear electrodes. The feedback from the electrodes is monitored through a display. The patient that is undergoing the treatment will receive cues of auditory or visual nature. The cues are a way to tell the patient about reaching the desired frequency.
The patients who manage ADHD with brain training, the frequencies at which the arousal level for stimuli reception occurs is the most important factor. Once they can increase their peak attention levels or reduce hyperactivity, they will be able to see decreases in impulsive behavior. The patient will not just gain awareness of where they are going wrong, but rather they will be to understand and learn how to prevent it.
The reason why ADHD is easy to manage with Neurofeedback relates to the brain waves. ADHD management with Neurofeedback is good due to its relationship with brain waves. In people who don't have ADHD, Theta Waves are substantially higher. These waves are responsible for inhibitory abilities when they become imbalanced. Beta waves have been less in power in people with ADHD. Both ways need to be at equilibrium to attain prime functioning. However, imbalances can lead to ADHD and other mental health issues.