
Computer Navigated Knee Replacement India
To provide quality care to his patients, Dr. Anoop Jhurani uses advanced technologies, such as computer-assisted knee replacement in Jaipur, India.
Computer-assisted Knee Replacement in Jaipur, India
Computer-assisted navigation refers to the use of technology to direct doctors during knee replacement surgery.
Computer-assisted navigation joint replacement can be useful during knee replacement surgeries. The orthopedic surgeon is able to digitally monitor each stage of the treatment on a display by using computer navigation technology to accomplish this. The locations of individual bones are tracked in three dimensions using real-time infrared wave transmission.
Dr. Anoop Jhurani uses computer-assisted knee replacement surgery in Jaipur, India to achieve precise outcomes. It's important to emphasize that, in contrast to robotic surgery, where the computer assists in controlling the movements of the surgical tools, computer navigation serves as a guide for the orthopedic doctor.
What is the need for a computer-assisted knee replacement?
Following knee replacement surgery, you'll be able to resume your normal everyday activities without any problems. The simple operation comprises inserting a prosthesis in place of the knee joint's damaged cartilage.
The balance and alignment of the new joint determine the effectiveness of knee replacement surgery. By repositioning the joint precisely, you will be able to resume your regular activities for a longer period of time.
With the use of computer-assisted total knee replacement surgery, orthopedic surgeons can be even more precise (CAS). It enables them to achieve the most accurate alignment possible by cutting the ends of the femur and tibia to line up with the new implant.
Patients considering a knee replacement should give CAS significant consideration (computer-assisted knee replacement surgery). If you choose the best computer-assisted knee replacement doctor in Jaipur, India, you will get the best results
Our patients with prior leg fractures were also shown computer-assisted knee replacement surgery, which ensures that movement is not restricted, especially through the joints.
If a typical knee replacement is carried out on such a patient, the preexisting hardware must be updated. Before having surgery to replace a knee with a computer, there is no need to remove any fracture hardware.
What are the advantages of using a computer-assisted navigation system?
Computer-assisted surgery helps with implant insertion, alignment, soft tissue balancing, and restoring the lower limb's mechanical axis. For the patient, this might result in a better functional outcome. Additionally, it may enhance surgical performance.
The surgeon Dr. Anoop Jhurani will be able to make precise, individualized bone incisions and position the prosthesis correctly. In contrast to conventional surgery, any adjustments can be performed while the patient is under anesthesia.
The fact that the cuts are customized to the anatomy and requirements of each patient separately is an additional benefit. This can lessen blood loss and embolic issues.
The best knee replacement results come from using computer navigation because it reduces the possibility of errors because the orthopedic surgeon can see everything on the computer screen. Choose the best Computer assisted knee replacement surgeon in Jaipur, India to achieve effective results.
The following are some of the most important advantages:
Revision surgery has a lower risk.
Outliers are less likely to happen (incorrect positioning)
Lower chance of fat embolus and blood loss.
Soft tissue injury
Smaller incision
How does Computer-Assisted Surgery Work?
Without a doubt, computer-assisted surgery requires a bit more technical skill than standard surgery. An infrared laser and a stereotactic camera are used during computer-assisted knee replacement surgery to map the position of your bones and the surgeon's instruments.
The stereotactic camera, which is linked to the computer running the system, monitors the motion of the bones. The navigation program can then create a three-dimensional animation of the patient's actual knee joint. The system's monitor shows the 3-D model so the surgeon(s) may view the process in action.
The navigation system can also calculate precise distances and angles for bone and soft tissue balancing alignment, providing the prosthesis with a far higher level of precision. It is extremely helpful to use computer-assisted knee replacements in order to reduce the chances of errors.
Advantages of Computer Navigated Knee Replacement India Surgery:
Minimally invasive procedures
Smaller cuts
Improved recovery time
Less bleeding
Lower probability of blood clotting
Less discomfort.
Reduces the possibility of human error