
What activities should avoid after hip replacement surgery?
You might expect that after a hip replacement, your lifestyle will be very similar to how it was prior to surgery, but without the pain. It will take some time to get back to your routine, however, you are correct in many aspects. You can get there faster and with greater success if you take an active role in the healing process.
Most activities can be resumed, but you might need to change how you go about them. For instance, you might need to learn new bending techniques that protect your new hip. The advice you read here will enable you to safely resume your everyday activities while still enjoying your new hip.
How to Protect Your New Hip: Dos and Don'ts.
Precautions (does and don'ts) differ based on the surgical method and preferences of your doctor. Your doctor and physical therapist will give A list of dos and don'ts to keep in mind with your new hip to you. These safety measures will help to guarantee healing and prevent the new joint from dislocating. Below is a list of some of the most popular safety measures. If any of these precautions apply to you, ask your doctor.
The Don’ts.
For at least 6-8 weeks, avoid crossing your legs at the knees.
Avoid raising your knee above your hip.
Never slouch or lean forward while sitting.
When you are seated, avoid attempting to pick up something that is on the floor.
When bending down, avoid unnecessarily turning your feet inward or outward.
When resting in bed, avoid reaching down to pull up blankets.
Limit our waist bend to 90 degrees.
The Do’s
Maintain the forward-facing leg.
Do not stand or sit with the injured leg in front.
Use a low bar or kitchen stool for cooking.
Do not squat on the operated leg's knee (the bad side).
Use ice to relieve pain and swelling, but keep in mind that it will dull your senses.
Use an ice pack or wrap the skin with a moist towel instead of putting ice directly on it.
Applying heat before working out will help with the range of motion. For 15 to 20 minutes, use a heating pad or a hot, damp cloth.
If your muscles hurt, cut back on your exercise routine but keep going.
Following a hip replacement in Jaipur, you will work with a physical therapist to recover. In order to prevent the potential of dislocating your replacement hip ball and socket, you will also need to refrain from a few everyday motions.
Keep in mind that recovery from a hip replacement varies from person to person. Working with your physical therapist will help you recover quickly and safely.