
Dr. Sunil Prakash
Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, adopting good hygiene habits and cultivating a positive attitude towards life are some of the recommendations that a person who receives a kidney transplant must take into account in order to recover successfully.
How does the life of a kidney transplant patient change?
Kidney transplant is a surgical procedure that has the ability to restore quality of life to a person with advanced kidney disease. The patient is now beginning a stage in which he will be largely responsible for the success of the transplant. Therefore, the person who receives a healthy kidney must take into account a series of cares when he returns home.
What care should a kidney transplant patient have? Some of these are related to the food that should be brought, adaptations at home and personal hygiene that should be maintained to avoid any complications and achieve a quick recovery. Today we will tell you what life is like after a kidney transplant in Delhi.
What types of foods should a kidney transplant recipient avoid?
If you have just had a kidney transplant, you will need to be very careful about what foods you can and cannot eat. Food restrictions are less than when you were on dialysis therapy, after receiving the transplant it is recommended by nephrologist in Delhi to maintain a balanced diet. Here is a list of recommendations for a good diet:
- Maintain an adequate intake of calories and protein.
- Keep the times of your meals, try to always be at the same time.
- Consume foods low in salt, sugar and fat, according to the instructions of the nutritionist and the doctor.
- Include fiber in the diet.
- Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
- Consume the amount of liquids recommended by the best nephrologist in Delhi.
- Eat food cooked at home.
- Take the medications that kidney specialist in Delhi strictly prescribed for you. Remember that anti-rejection medications are taken as far apart from meals as possible.
On the other hand, keep in mind those foods that you should not eat after a kidney transplant:
- No fume.
- Do not consume alcohol.
- Remove grapefruit and its juice from the diet, as it can reduce the effect of some medications (calcineurin inhibitors).
- Don’t eat street food.
- Avoid raw vegetables and fruits for the first three months after transplant.
Nursing care for a transplant patient
An important aspect that you must take into account if you received a kidney transplant is the adequacy of the space in which you live, so you must adapt it for your comfort and to facilitate your movement. And, although the idea is that you return to your normal life, you will have to change some customs and behaviors always thinking about your well-being.
Here are some recommendations for effective health care:
- Take the medication that the medical team gave you and do it at the indicated times.
- Keep track of your blood pressure.
- Get enough rest (seven to eight hours a day) for your recovery.
- Keep the house clean.
- Stay away from sick people, especially if you suspect they have a cold, flu, measles, mumps, or chicken pox.
- Live in a relaxed way.
- Adopt positive attitudes.
- Make sure you have a close support network willing to work as a team with you.
- Get back to your normal life little by little.
- Get back to work as soon as you can.
Personal hygiene care that a kidney transplant patient should have
The hygiene care that you should have are:
- Always wash your hands with soap and water before eating, before preparing or taking medications, before and after using the bathroom.
- Brush your teeth three times a day.
- Pay attention to any injury on your skin to give it proper treatment.
The adoption of healthy eating habits, hygiene, the good condition of the place where you live and abiding by recommendations of nephrologist in Delhi, as well as health measures with the people you frequent, are essential to recover from the kidney transplant and the key so that you can have a full life next to yours.