
Dr Vinant Bhargava
The kidneys work as small filters, that is, they purify the blood of the substances that are left over, those of waste, coming from our metabolism, excess water, salt and other leftover products.
They also have another very important function: the production of certain hormones, such as erythropoietin (for the formation of red blood cells), renin (regulation of blood pressure) and the active form of vitamin D (maintenance of bones).
Until now, dialysis and multiple medications have helped replace the functions of diseased kidneys.
Since a patient receives a kidney transplant in Delhi, this new organ takes care of everything that went wrong before, but for it to function properly, it must be properly cared for.
The best way to know and quantify the operation is by performing blood and urine tests, which will determine the values of creatinine, urea, uric acid, sodium, potassium and phosphorus.
Creatinine very reliably reflects how the kidney is working. It is a reference parameter that is always used in all analyzes carried out by the patient.
Normally, a person with fully functioning kidneys and no kidney disease has a creatinine that ranges between 0.6 and 1.2 mg/dl. A transplanted person can be perfectly above these values and have good kidney function.
Once the patient receives the kidney transplant, creatinine levels progressively drop to the good functioning of the transplanted kidney until they reach normal.
It should not generate alarm that these values do not remain stable. On the other hand, the progressive and sustained increase over time in creatinine levels could indicate dysfunction or rejection of the transplanted organ.
In addition to the check-ups with their nephrologist in Delhi, the transplanted patient must go to the usual medical check-ups (dentist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, etc.) but they must always inform the kidney specialist in Delhi of their transplant condition, so that there are no problems with the prescribed medications.
It is very important that you check your weight, blood pressure, pulse and temperature and that you keep a record of these data for check-ups.
Medical check-ups will be very frequent at first, but over time, and depending on your condition, they will be spaced out.
At these check-ups with the best nephrologist in Delhi, your general condition will be assessed, your blood pressure and weight will be checked, and your kidney status and function will be checked.
General recommendations
When you are at home, you should pay special attention and control over your weight, blood pressure, temperature and heart rate.
In addition, if you have a fistula, you must follow the same care as when you underwent dialysis sessions.
If, on the other hand, you have a peritoneal catheter, you must keep it permeable and in good condition. It will be removed after about three months, if all goes well.
Personal hygiene is very important: take daily showers, keep nails short and clean, brush teeth with a soft brush and regular toothpaste, after all meals. Toiletries must be for the exclusive use of the patient, never sharing a toothbrush or razor.
Although the kidney is working, other complications may arise, so you must maintain the same precautions with the AVF (fistula) as before the transplant (hygiene, avoid blows, pressure, etc.).
If, on the other hand, you are a carrier of the peritoneal dialysis catheter, initially, it will be kept in place and in the same conditions as before (insertion care, hygiene measures, etc.).
After the transplant, it is common for sexual desire to increase in both men and women. In men, impotence problems that are related to uremic syndrome are usually solved and in women, infertility problems can disappear, so it is possible that they can become pregnant again.
There is no reason not to enjoy a full sexual life, just remember that hygiene for a transplanted person is of vital importance, and you should follow the aforementioned recommendations regarding personal hygiene.
Those postures or actions that can cause damage to the kidney due to blows should be avoided. As contraceptive methods, barrier methods, condoms and diaphragm are recommended.
In transplanted women, the use of the contraceptive pill is not indicated because it can interfere with medications, nor the IUD because it increases the risk of infections.
Check with the best kidney specialist in Delhi if you need to use them, so that he can check if it is possible in your case.
The first month will be of “relative” rest, this means that we will join the activity little by little. It is convenient to take walks in quiet areas, gardens, parks, away from pollution and traffic. At home, you should stay active but not get tired.
During this first month, it is recommended not to visit closed public places (cafeterias, libraries, cinemas, etc.), avoid hitting or jumping and lifting heavy objects.
After the first 2 or 3 months, the patient should try to lead an active life, with moderate physical exercise and work activity.
It is important to remember that smoking is absolutely prohibited, as tobacco is the main cause of heart and bronchial problems, circulation disorders and cancer. In the case of transplant recipients, the risk is much higher.
A proper diet is very important to maintain the health of any person, especially transplant recipients.
There are a series of generic rules for the diet of a transplant patient, although it must always be individualized.
After the transplant, dietary restrictions will be lifted and you will be allowed to eat normally, depending on your condition.
It is important that you drink the amount of fluid prescribed for you. In the same way, you will be encouraged to control your weight, since it is very possible that you will gain weight after the transplant.
This trend is produced by the improvement in their general condition, because the food will taste better and by the use of corticosteroids as immunosuppressive medication.
Your diet should be balanced and adjusted to your caloric needs. The amount of food will depend on what your body needs, you should avoid the consumption of salt (which is involved in hypertension) and animal fats (which increase cholesterol and triglycerides); nor should you abuse sweets or industrial pastries.
You should take special care to avoid consuming certain raw foods (undercooked eggs, meat, fish and shellfish, unpasteurized milk). Nephrologist in Delhi recommends that the diet be rich in fiber, as it helps prevent constipation, and the use of olive oil to cook.
If you suffer from any chronic disease whose treatment involves a special diet (such as diabetes, for example) you must continue it.
In conclusion, the kidney transplant patient should:
- Avoid adding salt to food, and consuming foods with a high salt content such as sausages, preserves, prepared meals, salty foods and snacks.
- Do not use diet salts due to their high potassium content.
- Consume skimmed dairy products.
- Limit the consumption of eggs to two per week.
- Use olive oil and avoid other fats such as butter and lard.
- Do not abuse fried foods; use other forms of cooking: grilled, boiled or steamed.
- Moderately restrict protein: eat less red meat and increase your intake of fish, both white and blue.
- Avoid excessive consumption of sweets and soft drinks due to their high sugar content.
- Limit the consumption of coffee and alcohol.