
What is vedic astrology? is astrology is science ?
Vedas are considered to be the oldest texts of humancivilization. These are Arya texts. Veda is the stream of knowledge. Which issung as a philosophy of life. The Vedas have been propagated for the welfare ofthe living beings. This knowledge has existed since the time of Sasthi's rise.The sage sages received this knowledge from God the Supreme Father and compiledit. Therefore, it is believed that no one has written the Vedas but it isdivine knowledge that has appeared. Knowledge of Vedas is considered to be eternal.Vedas are beyond tomorrow. These texts contain knowledge of every area of life. According to Vedas, allthe activities related to daily life, including medicine, medicine, scripture,fine arts, astrology, architecture, are inappropriate for humans.
Astrology VedanaChakshu
Meaning astrology isthe eye of the Vedas. In astrology, there is an important method of telling thefruits about the future and working accordingly.
Religion was veryimportant in social life in Vedic Yesterday; Dharmapalan was consideredimportant by earning.
There were continuousyajna tasks and rituals. For these works, knowledge of Muhurt, Shubha Shubhetc. developed from Vedic tomorrow. The astrology developed in the Vedic periodis called Vedic astrology or Vedanta astrology.
Experts who know aboutVedas to use their knowledge in public welfare. The Vedas are four and arenamed Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. The Upvedas of these fourVedas are Ayurveda, Dhanuveda, Gandveda, and Architectural Veda, respectively.The six appendages of the Vedas are education, kalpa, grammar, nirukta, chhandaand astrology. The Puranas are also called the fifth Vedas. Knowledge, method,and dimensions of astrology are found in every Vedas and Puranas.
This veda is theoldest among the four Vedas. The first use of astrology is also found in thesources of this Veda. Its composition period is about 4000 years BC. Thereis a collection of locos in the Rigveda. Mantras for the worship of various godare written in the form of locos. In that yesterday, the deities were invokedonly with mantras. Each mantra is included in a verse. All the compositions ofVedas have been done in Vedic Sanskrit. In Vedic Sanskrit, verses are givenwith the words indicating their ascension and other sounds. In the recitation of mantras written in this manner, theascension of the sound of voice is with habitat. In the recitation of the mantras written in this way, theascension of the sound of the voice is with the habitat. In this way, even oncontinuous reading, one's breath speed is normal. There are puffs in eachmandal. Sukta has been said to those specific mantras by which the deities areinvoked. Each is a separate sukta for the deity. A sage has composed everysukta. This cover is removed by reciting Sukta in the prescribed manner.And the person's consciousness is interviewedby the deity. The foremost sages ofthe Rigveda are Agastya, Gotama, Kashyapa, and Angiras. The principal gods ofthe Rigveda are Agni, Aditi, Aditya, Indra, Usha, Soma, Rudra, Pusha, Varuna,Vayu, etc.
The Upveda of theRigveda is Ayurveda. Lord Dhanvantari is the creator of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is acomplete medical science. There is a detailed mention of herbs and medicinalplants. According to thedisease, information about the medicine and its quantity is given in it. Thedaily routine of human beings is also said to be healthy and always healthy. Inall months of year, what kind of diet is appropriate and which is prohibited,it has been explained in great detail. Ayurvedaknows disease prevention, but special attention has been given to the fact thatthe diet of a human being is such that he should always stay away from thedisease.
Surgery is alsomentioned in the ancient texts of Ayurveda. Acharyas who study Ayurvedathoroughly are said to be legitimate. At present, the inclination of the wholeworld is increasing towards Ayurvedic medicines. SomeRishis and Acharyas acquired knowledge of Ayurveda from Dhanvantari. Apart fromthis, Ashwini Kumar should be called the lawful of the gods. The main granth of Ayurveda are Madhavanidan, BhavaprakashNighantu, Charak Sahinta, Sarangadhar Sahinta, Vagbhata Sahinta, etc.
Nakshatra calculationsof mathematics are also included in this Veda. The analysis of various monthsand dates and their effect also comes under this Veda. There is thirty-six workin this Veda. Those who are related to astrology. In this, the name of thenakshatra, the search for nakshatra, descent from the nakshatra, etc., are alsomentioned.
Yajurveda mentionsdifferent types of yagyas. This is a religious rite where a yagya is organizedfor a particular result. All the mantras of Yagya, Havan, and rituals are inYajurveda. Havan is a part of the Yagya in which sacrifices are offered in thefire. There are various sacrifices for different goals. In the texts of ancienttimes, it was necessary to perform Ashwamedha Yagya. There is a description ofAshwamedha Yagya performed by Shri Ram in Ramayana. Similarly, the yagnaperformed with the desire of getting a son is called the Putrakameshti Yagya.Yagyas are also performed for rain. Yagya of public welfare is also done in agood way. In ancient times, before going on a military expedition, the kingused to perform a yagya for victory. Brahmins used to perform Yagya Karma.These Brahmins were called Acharyas. The law of each sacrificial fire wasdifferent. The shape of the Yajnivedi or Havan Kunda was also according to thePrateek Yagya. In this way, the god were invoked with the mantras of Yajurvedafor the accomplishment of specific tasks. The foremost sages of Yajurveda areVashist, Atri, Vishwamitra, Jamadagni, Yagnavalkya, and Dlavya. The principalgod of the Yajurveda are Savita, Varuna, Vayu, Agni, Chandra, and Jal.
In this Veda, there isa description of all types of mantras, creations, and methods of the paintingof Sukto. Mantras are sung in some way according to the verses, and detailedinformation is given in the Samaveda. Each verse has a different method ofsinging. The time for reciting mantras is also fixed. The rituals of morning,afternoon, and evening worship are said to be different. Trikala Sandhya isperformed for the worship of these three times. Even today many Brahmins dulyperform Trikala Evening. The effect of worship performed at different timesalso varies. In the Samaveda, the process of all rituals, actions, routinework, special worship and the way to perform every type of work is designed.The laws of all the sacraments are described in detail. The Samveda describesthe way of life of the Aryan culture. In the present time, many Brahminsperform poojas and all other rituals. They are called purohits.
The Aarthved containsa compilation of rules of life and society. It is a kind of nightmare. What isthe religion and justice of every person, and what is immorality? It is givenin detail in the Arthaveda. The work area and duties of the king and subjectsare mentioned. What responsibilities does a ruler have towards his subjects?What should he do for the happiness, prosperity, and protection of hissubjects? All this descriptionis given in the Arthaveda. A citizen's duty and responsibility towards hisfamily and nation and his authority are described in a Veda. The mutualbehavior of the ruler and the subjects is also very well understood. What isthe credit of a person's credit, the credit of a guru, the glory of a god, andwhom and how to do the activities of these livelihoods, agriculture, business,ordnance life, seva karma, and how to do it is in the Arthaveda? In this way,the art of living life has been taught in the Aarthved
For More details contact to jitubhai pandit, he is astrologer in surat, and one of the best astrologer in india.
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