Voice Biometric Provide Considerable Security Advantages Over Traditional Authentication Methods
Voice Biometric Provide Considerable Security Advantages Over Traditional Authentication Methods
The science of using a person's voice as a distinctively distinguishing biological

The science of using a person's voice as a distinctively distinguishing biological property to authenticate them is known as vocal biometrics. Speech biometrics, also known as voice verification or speaker recognition, allows quick, easy, and highly secure access for a variety of use cases, including chatbots, IoT devices, call centres, mobile apps, and web applications, as well as physical access.

The creation of voice biometric algorithms that are quicker, more accurate, and can verify users with a less amount of speech has been made possible by enormous advancements in neural networks over the last two to three years. In many use instances, ID R&D is actually now more accurate than a 4-digit PIN.

Voice Biometric, like other biometric modalities, provide considerable security advantages over authentication techniques based on something you have or something you know (such a password or the answer to a "secret" question) (like your mobile phone). The frustration associated with lengthy login procedures and lost or stolen credentials is also eliminated by biometrics, which enhances the customer experience.

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