
Roots Analysis has announced the addition of “Medical Device Labels Technology Market, 2019-2030” report to its list of offerings.
The report features an extensive study of the currentmarket landscape of companies offering manufacturing services for medicaldevice labels. The study also features detailed analysis and an elaboratediscussion on the future potential of this evolving market. Amongst otherelements, the report includes:
§ A detailed assessment of the overall landscape of companiesoffering manufacturing services for medical device labels.
§ A detailed analysis of the various mergers and acquisitionsthat have taken place in this domain, highlighting the key value drivers ofsuch deals inked between 2014 and 2019 (till June).
§ A detailed acquisition target analysis, which takes intoconsideration the historical trend of activity of top acquirers, providing ameans for industry stakeholders to identify potential acquisition targets.
§ An industry-wide benchmark analysis, highlighting the keyfocus areas of small, mid-sized and large companies.
§ A detailed businessportfolio analysis based on the 9-box attractiveness and competitiveness (AC)matrix framework, highlighting the current market attractiveness andcompetitive strength of different printing technologies used by labelmanufacturers.
§ An elaborate discussion on the various guidelinesestablished by major regulatory bodies, governing medical devicelabeling-related practices and product approval, across different countries.
§ Elaborate profiles of key players that claim to have adiverse range of capabilities for the manufacturing of different types oflabels for medical devices.
§ A discussion on important industry-specific trends, keymarket drivers and challenges, under a SWOT framework.
§ A review of thevarious upcoming opportunities and anticipated future trends related to medicaldevice label manufacturing that are expected to influence the evolution of thisindustry over the coming years.
§ A detailed market forecast, featuring analysis of thecurrent and projected future opportunity across key market segments (listedbelow)
§ Typeof labels
§ Glueapplied labels
§ Pressuresensitive labels
§ Inmould labels
§ Shrinksleeve labels
§ Otherlabels
§ Typeof material
§ Plastic labels
§ Paper labels
§ Other material labels
§ Application type
§ Monitoring and diagnostic equipment labels
§ Disposable consumables labels
§ Therapeutic equipment labels
§ Device class
§ Class I medical devices
§ Class II medical devices
§ Class III medical devices
§ Keygeographical regions
§ NorthAmerica
§ Europe
§ AsiaPacific
Keycompanies covered in the report
§ Avery Dennison
§ Faubel
§ Huhtamaki
§ Iwata Label
§ Labeltape
§ Matform
§ Maverick Label
§ Mondi Group
§ Multi-Color
§ OPM Group
§ Resource Label Group
§ Schreiner Group
§ Steven Label
§ Topflight
§ WS Packaging
Formore information please click on the following link:
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Roots Analysis is one of the fastest growing marketresearch companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in thebio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights aredriven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years ofsignificant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growingbusiness needs, get in touch at
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Roots Analysis Private Limited
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415