
But astrologically, especially in Vedic astrology, they consider it as a planet since it influences the natives’ lives. Also, as per Hindu mythology, Rahu and Ketu exist, and hence they are counted even when they are not visible.
Rahu and Ketu are both considered inauspicious because they signify the demon and develop a demonic nature when they are malefic in a native’s horoscope.
Rahu as Per Hindu Mythology
Rahu is known as Shadow planet because it has no shape or existence that can be seen. Thus to determine the position of Rahu, astrologers analyze the movement of the Sun and Moon.
The story takes us to the times when all the Devas and Demons were witnessing the sea churning because they all wanted to be immortal. However, Lord Vishnu tricked the demons by serving them poison churned from the sea while providing nectar to Devas or God-like.
One demon named Swarbhanu noticed it, and he stood next to the Devas. Lord Vishnu couldn’t recognize him, but Sun and Moon witnessed this shrewd move of the demon. They immediately signaled Lord Vishnu, but by that time he had gulped the nectar. Vishnu instantly sliced the demon off, which separated his head from the body.
As the demon got immortal, the head and body remained separated but never dead. Since then, Rahu and Ketu are inauspicious celestial bodies because they are created from a demon. When Rahu shows malefic effects in someone’s horoscope,it makes the person always hungry for more. Rahu, as the head of the demon, is body-less; hence he doesn’t know if his hunger is satiated.
So it makes the person always looking for more, whether it is about finances, property, sexual life, or any otherworldly thing.
Rahu and Ketu don’t exist in western astrology. Only Vedic astrologers believe the celestial bodies and that they have a significant effect on one’s life. They also believe that solar eclipse happens when Rahu swallows the Sun and in the same way Lunar eclipse happens.
What Does Rahu Signify in Each House?
Rahu acts differently in each house. Let’s see how it makes a person according to the house it resides in.
Rahu in First House: these people are self-centric, and they put themselves first more than anyone. They may also have temper issues and diseases as well. They hardly lose any debate or argument.
Rahu in Second House: these natives won’t mind speaking harshly to others. The person will suffer from throat and mouth diseases. Malefic Rahu also brings poverty to the household.
Rahu in Third House: these people are bold and mostly have a lavish life. They don’t go behind beliefs until they have researched about that enough. They are a great help to people close to them.
Rahu in Fourth House: The native may enjoy life with great wealth accumulation; however, if the Rahu acts malefic, he has to suffer from poverty. It may also develop greed in the natives that they always crave for improved status in society.
Rahu in Fifth House: this is related to pregnancy and children; hence one should not take chances that may harm your child. If Rahu favors, these individuals may achieve the management level and live a comfortable life.
Rahu in Sixth House: this will make the person bold and brave that he would conquer any situation. He would also be liked by those who are in a higher position. He would mostly win any argument and would be victorious at every step.
Rahu in Seventh House: the house is related to marriage, spouse, wealth, and partnership. When it is benefic, the person experiences a heavenly marital life. Otherwise, he may get into affairs and come as a headstrong and arrogant person.
Rahu in Eighth House: these natives will mostly experience weakness in their bodies. They will always be worried due to lack of finances. This poor lifestyle would also lead them to depression and self-doubt.
Rahu in Ninth House: the native will remain harsh to his family, and he might have a nagging wife as a result. He may not be fond of religion or God and may be born in a low caste.
Rahu in Tenth House: when Rahu is benefic, the person will rise from his current status and reach heights. Else the person would be poor living in dirty surroundings. There may be associations with low-class people.
Rahu in Eleventh House: the native will be a very successful person that he will own various lands and properties. He will announce his victory wherever he goes, and he would defeat his enemies with ease.
Rahu in Twelfth House: native may have some problem in the vision. He may have a few children as well. The bad placement may also make a person spend unnecessarily; it also makes one unprincipled.
You can consult an astrologer to reveal your planetary positions and suitable remedies accordingly.