
Several approved therapeutic products, which are currentlyavailable as intravenous dosage forms, are being reformulated and evaluated forsubcutaneous administration. Further, many existing drug delivery devices,including prefilled syringes, pen injectors, autoinjectors, needle-freeinjectors and large volume wearable injectors, have been / are being designedfor subcutaneous administration of biologics.
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The USD 180+ billion (by 2030) financialopportunity associated with subcutaneous biologics, affiliated drug deliverysystems and subcutaneous formulation technology licensing deals, has beenanalyzed across the following segments:
§ Phaseof development
§ Approved
§ Pre-registration & Phase III
§ Phase II & Phase II/III
§ Typeof molecule
§ Cell and gene therapies
§ Monoclonal antibodies
§ Proteins
§ Peptides (recombinant)
§ Vaccines
§ Others
§ Targettherapeutic area
§ Autoimmune disorders
§ Blood disorders
§ Bone disorders
§ Genetic disorders
§ Metabolic disorders
§ Neurological disorders
§ Oncological disorders
§ Respiratory disorders
§ Others
§ Typeof drug delivery system
§ Large volume wearable injectors
§ Autoinjectors
§ Prefilled syringes
§ Needle-free injectors
§ Drug reconstitution systems
§ Revenuesfrom licensing deals
§ Upfront payments
§ Milestone payments
§ Keygeographical regions
§ North America
§ Europe
§ Asia Pacific
§ Rest of the World
TheSubcutaneousBiologics, Technologies and Drug Delivery Systems (3rd Edition),2020-2030”report features the following companies, which weidentified to be key players in this domain:
§ Adocia
§ AjinomotoBio-Pharma Services
§ Arecor
§ Alteogen
§ AscendisPharma
§ AvadelPharmaceuticals
§ Camurus
§ CreativeBioMart
§ CreativeBiolabs
§ EaglePharmaceuticals
§ HalozymeTherapeutics
§ MedinCell
§ XerisPharmaceuticals
§ SerinaTherapeutics
Table of Contents
1. Preface
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction
4. Subcutaneous Biologics: CurrentMarket Landscape
5. Case Study: Leading SubcutaneousBiologics
6. Subcutaneous FormulationTechnologies: Current Market Landscape
7. Subcutaneous FormulationTechnology Developers: Company Competitiveness Analysis
8. Subcutaneous FormulationTechnology Developers: Company Profiles
9. Partnerships and Collaborations
10. SubcutaneousDrug Delivery Systems: Current Market Landscape
11. SwotAnalysis
12. MarketForecast and Opportunity Analysis
13. ConcludingRemarks
14. ExecutiveInsights
15. Appendix1: Tabulated Data
16. Appendix2: List Of Companies And Organization
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Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1(415) 800 3415
+44(122) 391 1091