
Metabolism a process in which chemical processes take place in order to produce energy for the body. Metabolism drug is the cellular metabolic breakdown of drugs, usually by living cells, using specialized enzymatic pathways. The metabolic pathways determine how well a drug will work, and whether or not it will be effective or even produce any results at all. These pathways have been well studied, and through constant study, they have been found to be effective.
There are two different types of enzyme systems, the Lipophilic and the Non-Lipophilic. The Lipophilic system includes Cytochrome P-dependent components, which are primarily found in cancer cells. The non-Lipophilic system is composed of Electrophiles and Other Chiral Compounds. All drugs need to have one or more compatible lipophilic or non-lipophilic components in order to be absorbed into the bloodstream and metabolized. Some of the more popular enzymes involved in the metabolism of drugs include those involved in the bioorganic synthesis of the active compounds in drugs. Bioinorganic synthesis involves the reaction of an electron with an atom of an organic compound. This reaction is catalyzed by oxygen. Some of the most common cytochrome P-coupled components involved in the biosynthesis of many metabolism drugs are Cytoheptadienyl Ester, N-acetyl muramic acid, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, and N-acetylcholine.
The liver is the primary detoxification organ in the body. Most metabolism drugs that enter the body through the bloodstream will undergo first their circulation and then their elimination by the liver. Metabolism drugs that are highly toxic may only partially go through the liver, or will completely bypass it and enter the bloodstream directly to the lungs or other organs. These drugs are called heavy metals. An example of heavy metal is mercury, which is still extensively used as a vaccine. Metabolism is also divided into two main schemes, the metabolic scheme, and the non-metabolic scheme. The non-metabolic scheme involves multiple metabolic pathways, which are believed to be entirely non-essential for life. On the other hand, the metabolic pathway is divided into two major schemes namely the first is a pathway for the synthesis of proteins; the second is a pathway for the synthesis of carbohydrates. The metabolic pathways are further divided into two different sets namely metabolic acid reducers and metabolic inhibitors.
The metabolism drug reaction takes place in the following manner First, an enzyme is produced in the liver. This enzyme will serve to break down the drug. Then this drug will be absorbed by the bloodstream into the cells of the body. Thereafter, these cells will divide to synthesize new copies of the drug, hence bringing in a new chain of chemical reactions and hence a new drug action. The metabolic reaction in the presence of a catalyst is known as a catabolic effect. Several substances with metabolic activity have been isolated and identified, including acetylcholine (which generates adrenaline, ataxia, and discharge of large amounts of adrenaline), nicotine, cocaine, alcohol, and methanprazole. Recently, several researchers have proposed that hydrolysis (the conversion of a compound into a simpler one, such as in the case of inorganic compounds, or simple sugars), rather than aerobic glycolysis, is the true metabolic process. Hydrolysis, in the presence of inhibitors, appears to occur more often than aerobic glycolysis.
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