
Clinical research should be used to evaluate important policy suggestions. A randomised trial of face shields, however, is unlikely to be finished in time to confirm their effectiveness. The effectiveness of widespread testing and contact tracing has not been evaluated in a clinical trial, although this strategy is based on years of experience. The efficacy of incorporating Face Shields as a community intervention to the currently suggested confinement measures should be assessed collectively, and existing mathematical models should be used. Face shield should be used alone or in conjunction with other therapies with the implicit goal of interrupting transmission by lowering the R0 to less than 1. Notably, a vaccine with a 100% success rate is not necessary for the successful control of even the most contagious viruses, such the measles. Face shield and other containment measures shouldn't be expected to be 100% effective, as this standard of control is both impractical and unnecessary for bringing SARS-CoV-2 infection levels down to a manageable level.
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