
Who does not love to have healthy, glowing, and spotless skin? But even after trying your hands on dozens of home remedies to trying almost every product available over the counter which claims to treat dark spots and acne scars and having monthly Vitamin E facials, the acne scars are those pesky companions from which we haven’t been able to free our skin off yet even after shelling off so much money on dermatologists for anti-acne treatments whether that be oral or topical or both. The best medspa clinic in las vegas.
But dear readers, as it is rightly said, “Where there is a will, there is a way,” there is still a way to achieve smooth and radiant skin. To treat these hard-to-treat areas, laser treatment is one of the best solutions you can choose out of all the available markets due to its great results. It is a completely painless treatment typically done for the face, neck, arms, back, and upper torso.
Ways to Attain Flawless Skin
Laser therapy works by focusing the laser on the top layers of the skin to break apart the scar tissue and, at the same time, encourages the proliferation of new and healthy skin cells to replace the scar tissue. Firstly, the heat from the laser removes the skin’s top layer, leaving a smoothened skin beneath and making the scar less noticeable. As the scar tissue breaks apart due to increased blood flow in the area; gradually, the inflammation subsides as blood vessels in the scar get targeted, and healing of the skin is promoted.
Different types of Laser Treatments
Laser treatment is of various types like Ablative laser resurfacing, Non-ablative laser resurfacing, and Fractionated laser treatment. In the ablative laser resurfacing, CO2 or erbium YAG laser is used to remove the entire top layer which is scarred, while in the Non-Ablative laser resurfacing, Infrared lasers are used to stimulate collagen production and stimulate new cell growth to replace the damaged, scarred tissue. Another type of laser treatment is fractionated laser treatment which aims to stimulate the tissue underneath the scar to remove any darkly pigmented or old cells present under the top layer of skin and is quite the best choice of treatment for box-scar ice-pick scars.
After the treatment, although the treated area becomes quite red and sensitive, the after-effects tend to resolve within few days of the treatment. The total number of sessions required by a person depends on the severity of the condition and how the recovery progresses.
Within a few of the sessions of this treatment, it can drastically reduce pore size, leaving a glowing and smooth complexion. Regarding the cost, it depends on several factors like the number of scars to be treated, the size and area being targeted, the number of sessions required, and the experience of the provider but generally falls in the range of $1000 to $2000 per treatment package depending upon the type of laser treatment or laser acne treatment las vegas opted.
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