
As the name implies, contactless payments are those in which the buyer does not have to come into contact with any financial notes, equipment, or even the smartphone. Recognizing the necessity for such payment ways, it is now unquestionably one of the world's fastest growing payment systems.
The technology that enables Contactless Payments is known as near field communication, or NFC. It's an improved version of the existing RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. RFID has been used for a long time in a variety of applications that can be scanned, such as shopping malls, warehouses, and baggage. RFID technology has only lately begun to be used for contactless payments. For it to work, the two components - the scanner or POS terminal and the consumer's payment device - must be in close proximity. The radio waves from the NFC chip create a connection and exchange encrypted data, allowing for quick and secure transactions.
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