
According to a newmarket report published by Industry Probe ( titled ‘Driving ApparelMarket (Product Type: Clothing [Jackets, Trousers, Suits, and Others], Footwear[Boots, Shoes, and Others], Protection Gear [Helmets, Armor, Gloves, KneeProtection, Elbow Protection, and Others], and Other Accessories [Socks,Scarves, and Others]; Material: Leather, Synthetic, Natural Fiber, and Others;Vehicle Type: Two Wheeler and Four Wheeler; End User: Men and Women; and Distribution Channel: Online[Company-owned Website and e-Commerce Website] and Offline [Hypermarkets &Supermarkets, Specialty Stores, and Brand Stores]) – Global Industry Trends andForecast, 2019 – 2027, the global DrivingApparel Market is expected to reach US$ 23.97 Billion by 2027 and expand at aCAGR of ~5.4% from 2019 to 2027.
DrivingApparel Market include major Keyplayers such as PUMA SE, Fox Head, Inc., Adidas AG, Scott Sports SA, Under Armour,Inc., ThorMX, Alpinestars S.p.A, OMP Racing S.P.A, Dainese S.p.A, LeattCorporation and More
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As per thereport, in terms of end user, the men segment was valued at US$ 10.57 Bn in2018 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of ~5.4% from 2019 to 2027. Men enduser segment still dominates the Driving Apparel Market compared to women. Thiscan be attributed to higher male participation in driving than women. Thus, thedemand for driving apparel is more from the men segment. Based on end user,there is a higher demand for driving apparel from the men segment in AsiaPacific than the women segment. This is primarily due to the presence of moremale riders compared to women in the region.
Additionally,the report states that the male participation in motor racing games, leisure,and lifestyle activities, etc. is comparatively higher than that of women, thuscreating more demand for protective driving clothing among men. Globalizationand changing perception about women in society, however, is leading to more numberof women using cars, motorcycles, etc., for professional or personal needs.Thus, the women segment is expected to grow at a faster rate than men segment duringthe forecast period.
Furthermore,Industry Probe analyst says that new companies are entering the Driving ApparelMarket due to the increase in consumer demand for driving apparel. Several smalland medium enterprises (SMEs) are run by entrepreneurs or partnership approachfor assembling and selling driving apparel. Small players are not following theregulatory norms and hence, are able to sell their products at a competitiveprice. European region has more male riders than women riders. Additionally,participation of women riders in racing events is also nominal compared to maledrivers. Moreover, young population in Europe is extensively using protectiveclothing for adventure sports and racing games, thus boosting the demand fordriving apparel.
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