
A workstation computer is a single computer developed specifically for scientific or technical purposes. They're usually connected to a local network and run multi-user operating system software applications, and they're primarily designed to be used by one person at a time. The main benefit of these computers is their tiny size and ability to be carried quickly from one location to another. Furthermore, their mobility allows them to be employed in a number of previously unimaginable settings, such as telecommuting.
A PC's speed and performance can be dramatically increased by adding more memory RAM and a faster CPU. Quad-core processors and at least two gigabytes of RAM are optimal for workstation machines. The reliability of workstation computers is further influenced by other computer components such as video cards, hard drives, and sound cards. An increase in hard drive capacity, for example, can allow for the storage of larger images. Although hard drives are meant to be far more reliable than ordinary desktop computers, some hard drives have a shorter lifespan than others, particularly those used for high-load applications.
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