
Take lots of fresh foods close to their natural states such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouted pulses, fish, and eggs.
• In order to keep your brain sharp avoid eating the wrong fat i.e. hydrogenated fat, trans fat, and too much-saturated fat. Choose the right ones like ghee, butter (in moderation ) extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, mustard oil, etc. Walnut, almond, soybean, fish, mustard seed, and pumpkin seed are also good sources of omega 3 fatty acids.
• Avoid junk, high salt, and poor nutrient food which weakens your memory power. Eat nutrient-dense and anti-oxidant-rich food.
• Choose dark-colored veggies for the antioxidants. Broccoli, spinach, papaya, dark grapes, pomegranate, Jamun, citrus fruits, capsicum, tomato, beetroot, and bell peppers are good choices read more.