
8 Ways AR And VR Technologies Are Changing Healthcare
From the time the mouse and keyboard were the only input devices available to interact with a machine, we have really come a long way. Today, touch-based input systems and gesture controls have become mainstream and we are only months or years away from witnessing the rollout of a new medium-less way of interacting with systems and devices. Laying the foundation for the future of such instances are technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).
With the former offering newer ways to access information, explore options and engage with graphical and visual elements and the latter completely transporting a user to another virtual world rendered by 3D environments, we are indeed at the dawn of a Digital Transformation in Healthcare.
From being mainly explored and implemented in the world of entertainment (remember Pokemon Go?) to now being experimented across industries, AR and VR technologies are truly opening up new avenues for stakeholders to solve some plaguing concerns in their industries.
One such very specific and rewarding application of these two technologies has been in the healthcare space, where precision and timeliness are the only aspects that matter.
Over the years, researchers and hospital chains have been exploring diverse use cases of AR and VR technologies to make healthcare more accessible, conduct ground-breaking research and studies, for training purposes and more. In this article, we will delve deep into the role of AR and VR in healthcare and understand how these two technologies are making healthcare more enriching and meaningful to patients, organizations, doctors and every other stakeholder involved in the ecosystem.
Journey Of AR And VR In Healthcare
While it might sound like these two technologies have been extensively researched for healthcare purposes only in the last decade, it will surprise you when you realize that researchers have always been experimenting with a concept like virtual reality for over two decades now. There were close to 204 publications on how VR could influence healthcare released in the year 2004. It numbered to around 720 in 2014. Over the years, the evolution of VR and AR in healthcare has been gradual and succinct. Let's quickly look at their journey, shall we?
The use of virtual reality technologies to treat mental ailments and concerns has been an age-old practice. Tracing back to the early 90s, this application finds its roots in the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), allowing practitioners to treat anxiety disorders. With virtual reality offering life-like stimulus, results are also being proving to be more effective.
The technology has been in use for over two decades to treat phantom limb pain, assess and rehabilitate brain damage, manage pain stemming from burns and more.
Treating autism in young adults, depression, stroke rehabilitation, ADHD and even Alzheimer's have been part of VR implementation in healthcare.
Important Stats on AR And VR You Should Know
As the world gradually wakes up to the importance of AR and VR in the world of healthcare, let's look at what the numbers look like for these two tech concepts in terms of their adoption and market statistics.
In 2018, the market size of the mixed reality market was around $0.95bn and this is estimated to reach $7.5bn in the next 5 years.
A report of a study released by the UK in 2019 revealed that 100% of the patients who used a VR headset experienced increased satisfaction in their hospital experience. Close to 80% of them felt less pain and around 73% felt less anxious during surgeries that required patients to be awake.
Use of AR And VR Technologies In Healthcare
Enhanced Patient Experience
The entire chain of patient care starting from diagnosis and treatment to post-treatment follow-ups can be optimized with the help of AR and VR technologies. Apps powered by AR and VR technologies can assist doctors in offering consultation during crises and emergency situations. From vital monitoring from remote to emotion reading and pulse examinations, situations that require immediate assistance can be dealt seamlessly with these technologies.
Another aspect of patient care is in hospitals, where patients and visitors can be offered adequate information about their ailments, treatment procedures, diagnosis and other health-related information with the help of AR apps development. By scanning a code or running a module, complete information can be offered through infotainment. This can help empower patients and put their recovery and health back in their control.
Psychological Relief And Treatment
Conventional forms of therapy sessions can be rewritten with the help of AR and VR apps development. Through the implementation of VR, practitioners can come up with more realistic environments for their patients to endure their fear or phobia, observe their reactions and deliver revised treatment procedures accordingly. Disorders can be studied in detail this way as well.
One of the other key implementations of mixed reality lies in treating clinical depression. In a study that allowed patients to hear their own words of comfort through mixed reality procedures revealed that close to 27% of them showed clinical progress.
PTSD in veterans can also be treated extensively with VR. Veterans are often plagued by their horrific past in their battlefields. With VR, they can be brought out of the zone and facilitated for more peace of mind.
Data Visualization And Body Mapping
Mixed reality can help train stronger, next-gen doctors by allowing them to become familiar with complex situations and surgeries through virtual and augmented reality. With the help of body mapping, upcoming surgeons and doctors can treat virtual bodies or redo surgeries of complications virtually to deal better during emergency situations.