
That way we get a sneak peek into their daily routines. It’s not the different things that they do that matters but the simple things that they do differently that definitely does. One thing is for sure, all great men and women exude a kind of aura of confidence, humility and compassion. It comes after years of hard work and with a sense of accomplishment. If a person is not so, then he/she is just another nouveau riche happened by fluke.
Successful people do not become successful by chance but by choice. They decide what they want to accomplish and work towards it diligently. Confidence and capabilities, both are equally important in this.
1. They are voracious readers.
How else do you think they get all the knowledge from? Even simple decisions need to be data driven and hence information is vital for them. They read different genres to understand the pulse of the generation as also to derive ideas from.
Getting diverse perspective helps them take informed decisions. Have you heard Chenraj Jain (of Jain Group of Institutions) speak? He frequently quotes numbers, facts, statistics and references.
2. They challenge their fears head-on.
Every kid grows up with some fears and phobias. As we grow up, they reflect in our personality. Some people nurture the fears as if they are for keeps while some others deal with them to eliminate and uproot.
Successful people do not hasten to be judgmental about others. Their strength is derived from their own abilities and is hence not at the mercy of fear. They play to win in anything that they do and not to avoid failure.
3. They know how to prioritize work.
They don’t plan their days in hours but in minutes. That is the only way to accomplish more in a limited time. In his book The 4 hour workweek, author Tim Ferris explains how the right scheduling of time not just saves a lot of it but also makes available more for important tasks.
Many times we wonder how some people manage their own businesses, sit on boards of other companies, actively engage in hobbies and also spare time for philanthropic activities, all in a day’s work. Had they been random about their appointments, they would end up managing just a few tasks. Even bosses like Adi Godrej had to once run on London’s roads when he failed to get a cab just so that he could keep his appointment.
4. Successful people almost always follow journaling.
They write their plans down to the last detail. Journaling helps in tracking progress. It also serves as a reminder for past mistakes and solutions. A tiny Moleskin book can serve to jot down ideas for they strike at unpredictable hours and places. You wouldn’t want to forget them later. Read more....