
Are you lacking the boost of energy you need to get you through the day or a vigorous workout? Then you need an energy drink! While the billion-dollar industry has received a lot of hate over the years, no one can deny several benefits to consumingenergy drinks. And today, that's what we will talk about.
Read on to know more about the advantages of consuming energy drinks. We have also come up with a list of some of the best energy drinks in 2022. So let's get started!
Benefits Of Energy Drinks ● More Energy
The first most obvious benefit of energy drinks is, of course, the energy it provides. It provides better productivity, wakefulness, and alertness, all thanks to the amount of caffeine it contains.
● Fast Caffeine Delivery
The best part about energy drinks is that they are served cold, unlike most coffee and tea beverages. As a result, they can be consumed faster, thus allowing the caffeine to be introduced to our bloodstream at a faster rate.
● Standardized Caffeine Amount
The caffeine intake in tea and coffee is very varied - different brands provide different amounts. But for energy drinks, it is standardized. You will find the caffeine amount on the ingredient section of the drink. This way, you can keep a check on your caffeine habits as well.
● Additional supplements
Apart from caffeine, these energy supplements also contain other energy ingredients such as ginseng, B vitamins, and taurine. These products help enhance the drink's effect by giving the consumer more energy throughout the day.
● Variety Of Flavors
The flavor of tea and coffee is not appealing to everyone. And for those individuals to get their desired boost of caffeine and energy, energy drinks are the best options. Here, they get to choose various options and flavors like raspberry, cranberry, and much more.
● Convenient
Energy drinks are very convenient too. They do not have to be heated or brewed or anything. Just pop them open from the fridge, and that's it!
● Refreshing
Energy drinks have a refreshing effect on athletes because they are carbonated and served cold. It is a much better, more refreshing alternative than most caffeine drinks that are served hot and have to be consumed with sweeteners or with milk.
● Affordable
Energy drinks are very affordable - much more than a gourmet Starbucks coffee. You can also get special offers on them, and most are available online at bulk packs at a reasonable rate.
● Better Post-Workout Recovery
After an intense workout, most athletes want a light and cold beverage to cool down their bodies. And that is why they choose energy drinks. What's more, these energy supplements also help them recover quickly post-workout, thanks to the healthy amount of carbs and caffeine present in them.
● Zero-Calorie Options
Last but not least, energy drinks come in special zero-calorie editions. For example, while black coffee has no calories, few people can drink it raw. In energy drinks, you won't have to add any sweetener or sugar here, and you will get a great taste without any calories!
Now that you know beneficial energy drinks can be, here is a list of the best energy drinks of 2022. You can quickly get these energy supplements in Canada in most department stores, so let's check them out!
Best Energy Drinks Of 2022 ● Red Bull
No list of energy drinks is ever complete without Red Bull. As the most well-known energy drink globally, Red Bull is our first choice thanks to its popularity among various professionals and athletes. The drink helps travelers experience their journey, helps students keep on studying, and helps athletes enhance and carry on their performance. And let's face it, the taste of Red Bull is like no other!
● 5-Hour Orange Energy Shot
This energy drink had to appear on our list since it contains just 4 calories and is sugar-free! It is a very healthy energy drink favored by various dieticians and athletes. In addition, it contains about one 12-ounce cup of coffee strength. The orange flavor also adds freshness and is packed with Vitamin B12 and B6.
● Starbucks Refresher
Guess what? Even Starbucks has made it to the list! While it is a little on the expensive side, it is a great energy drink for the desired boost of energy. It contains ginseng, green coffee extracts, B vitamins, and hydrating coconut water for the best taste and energy boost. There are some other flavors to choose from: Strawberry Lemonade, Peace Passion Fruit, and others.
Now you know how beneficial energy drinkscan be to give you your desired energy boost for the day. And what's more, these are readily available in various department stores too! So what are you waiting for? Choose a suitable energy drink from the above list and get it today! All the best.