How can the Companies with Higher Sugar Ethanol Capacity help Environmental Change
How can the Companies with Higher Sugar Ethanol Capacity help Environmental Change
The oil companies can procure the sugar distillery ethanol, which is the biofuel, from the sugar-producing companies in the market.

How can the Companies with Higher Sugar Ethanol Capacity help Environmental Change

To achieve the targets of using biofuels, the process of fuel blending is used. In the process, there are two different sorts of fuels blended together that are compatible in usage. There would be one variety that is conventional while the other one would be the unconventional fuel that could be your biofuel. The blending is done in a certain ratio i.e. 10:90 or 15:85.

When the biofuel is merged with a conventional type of fuel then there would a decline in the usage of the traditional fuel. This process would directly impact the environment from the harsh impacts of using non-renewable energy resources. Along with that, it may impact the increased costs of fuels every year.

The oil companies can procure the sugar distillery ethanol, which is the biofuel, from the sugar-producing companies in the market.