
Functional Nootropic Drink Products
Nootropics are edible substances that improve brain performance. They enhance cognition and memory and stimulate the brain to reach optimum performance and focus.
What are the Most Prominent Nootropic Drinks?
What are the Trends in Nootropics?
What is the Nootrophic formulation Process?
Food Research Lab Project Summary
Nootropics are drugs, supplements, and other substances claimed to improve cognitive function, mainly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals. One of our clients wanted to create a nootropic functional beverage for B-class customers in the beverage industry. We developed the nootropic functional drink in many flavors, such as peach, litchi, etc., to brand it as a commercial product. Yes, we are one of the leading beverage consulting services. Food Research Lab is a Global Contract R&D Food, Beverages & Nutraceutical Lab providing solutions to Food, Beverages, and Nutraceuticals(F, B&N) industries worldwide.
Need to know more about Nootrophic drink products:
Are you stuck in developing a beverage or drink product! Contact us for queries and guidance....
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