
Build muscle at home with our Bodyweight Bulk Builder!
One of the most important principles of successful bodybuilding is consistency. Lack of exercise will seriously undermine your muscle building progress. Your body doesn't care that you're too busy to go to the gym or that your gym is closed; It will stop growing when you stop exercising. If you skip enough exercise, you will start to lose muscle.
Lower Body Training
1. Sissy Squat
Sissy squats are an old-fashioned quad exercise. True to its name, this is a challenging exercise that will make your thighs burn and tremble. Because it's such a challenging exercise, it's perfect for bodyweight training.
How it goes:
· Stand in a doorway or next to a wall or pillar for balance. Stand on your toes and strengthen your abs.
· Push your hips forward, lean back and squat as far as you can. Keeping your body straight, try to push your knees forward and behind your toes.
· Place your feet on the floor and stand up.
· Tighten the thighs at the top of each rope and repeat.
2. One leg hip thrust
Hip thrusts target the hamstrings and glutes. They are usually done with a barbell, but you can also overload the muscles by working one leg at a time. In fact, unilateral training often leads to greater muscle involvement and a more efficient training.
How it goes:
· Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet straight. Strengthen your abdominal muscles. Lift one leg off the floor and pull your knee toward your chest. This is your starting position.
· Lower your leg to the floor and lift your hips up so that they are in a straight line with your knees and shoulders.
· Lower your butt to the floor and repeat the prescribed number of repetitions.
· Switch legs and do the same number of repetitions with the other leg.
3. Closed position cyclist squat
Without using leg extensions, you need to use alternative exercises to develop your quads. Bicycle squat in closed position mimics the demands of cycling. Elite cyclists often have huge, muscular thighs despite doing very little training.
How it goes:
· Place something like a thick book on the floor. Stand with your heels on a book, a few centimeters apart. Strengthen your abdominal muscles.
· Keep your body as upright as possible and squat as low as possible without rounding your lower back.
· Go back and stop just before full lock to keep tension on the quads.
· Lower yourself back down and repeat the prescribed number of repetitions.
4. Single Leg RDL
The Romanian deadlift (RDL) is an effective posterior chain exercise usually performed with a barbell or dumbbells. Performing on one leg increases muscle overload and creates instability, further stressing the glutes and hamstrings. Single leg RDLs are also a good exercise for balance and mobility.
How it goes:
· Stand with your feet together. Strengthen your core. Shift your weight to one leg and bend your supporting knee slightly for balance.
· Hanging from the hips, bend forward and reach the floor in front of your feet. Extend the other leg behind you.
· Tighten your hamstrings, raise your torso and repeat for the desired number of reps.
· Switch legs and repeat on the other side.
5. Step by step outcome
Step lunges are a challenging lower body exercise. With multiple weight shifts per rep, this move really engages your glutes, hamstrings and quads, working your muscles without relying on external stress. It is also a good exercise for developing better balance.
How it goes:
· Stand with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Look straight ahead and not down. Strengthen your abdominal muscles.
· Take a big step forward, bend your legs and lower your back knee until it's one toe off the floor.
· Push off the front leg and step back into a backward lunge. Do not touch the ground when going back and forth between lunges.
· Push off the back leg and do another forward lunge.
· This is a replay, keep it up!
· Continue for the prescribed number of repetitions, then switch legs.
6. To raise the calves of one leg
No leg training without calf training! This simple exercise offers a perfect way to overload your calves without using a machine or extra weights.
How it goes:
· Stand with one foot on the edge of the step. If necessary, use hands for balance.
· Keeping the knee straight, lower the heel under the toes and then rise up onto the toes.
· Repeat the prescribed number of repetitions, then switch legs.
7. The RKC board
Planks are a great exercise for the abs, but for many people they are too easy to be effective. The RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge) variation is much more challenging because you focus on pushing your core muscles as hard as possible instead of trying to see how long you can plank. It is more time efficient and effective.
How it goes:
· Lie on your back and support yourself on your elbows. Your forearms should be parallel and pointing forward.
· Lift your hips so that your body forms a straight line.
· Clench your fist, tense your chest and shoulders, tighten your abs and flex your glutes and quads as hard as you can.
· Without holding your breath, squeeze all these muscles as hard as you can for 15-20 seconds. If you can keep going, you're not working hard enough!
· Relax for a moment and then repeat.
Upper Body Training
1. 1 ½ reps of wide push-ups
Push-ups are a great chest exercise, but the lack of external load can mean they are too easy for more experienced lifters. This variant is not only more demanding; It also focuses more on the chest.
How it goes:
· Squat down and place your hands on the floor a little more than shoulder width apart. Your toes should point forward.
· Move your feet out and back so that your shoulders, hips and feet are in a straight line. Tighten your stomach and pull your shoulders down and back.
· Bend your arms and lower your chest an inch off the floor.
· Extend your arms and push yourself halfway.
· Lower your chest back to the floor.
· Spread your arms out and go all the way up.
· This is repetition; Continue!
2. Suspended extraction
Adding a defined pause at the top of each pull rope increases lat activation and protects the biceps. This is the perfect way to get more out of every movement you make!
How it goes:
· Hang from the pull-up bar with a shoulder-width grip. Tighten your stomach and pull your shoulders down and back.
· Bend your arms, lift your chin up and over the bar and hold for 2-3 seconds.
· Lower yourself carefully and controlled and repeat the process.
3. Release the chest
Dips are a powerful chest and triceps exercise. Make them even more effective by doing dips with your back legs to increase your chest.
How it goes:
· Use dip bars wider than shoulder width. The harder you push, the less interference with the breast there will be.
· Place your hands on the bars, palms facing in. Support your weight on straight arms.
· Bend your knees and push your legs and hips back as far as possible. The greater the incline, the greater the activation of the pectoral muscles.
· Bend your arms and lower yourself as far as you can without hurting your shoulders. Treat yourself to a proper stretch of the mammary glands. Keep your upper arms and elbows out.
· Extend your elbows and push up. Pause just before locking to maintain tension in your breasts. Push in and down to maximize use of the oven.
· run and repeat.
4. 1 ½ flares
Pull-ups use an underhand or hand grip and are easier than overhead lifts for many athletes. The supination position puts the biceps in a biomechanically more favorable position. Increase the time under tension and make this exercise more width-oriented with the 1 1/2 rep method.
How it goes:
· Hang from the pull-up bar with a shoulder-width grip.
· Bend your arms and pull your chin up and over the bar.
· Lower yourself until your upper arms are more or less parallel to the floor in the middle.
· Lift your chin to the bar and then lower yourself all the way down.
· This is one rep - keep going until you can't do any more reps.
5. Pike lizard
Without dumbbells or barbells, you may be wondering how to train your shoulders. Pike curls closely replicate overhead presses, using only your body weight as resistance. They are also an excellent triceps builder.
How it goes:
· Get into a push-up position with your hands about shoulder-width apart. Brace your core and pull your shoulders back.
· Keep your legs straight and lift your butt into the air so that your body looks like an inverted V.
· Keeping your hips up, bend your arms and lower your head an inch off the floor.
· Press and repeat.
6. Dynamic tension biceps curl
While all those pull-ups and pull-ups have given your biceps a good workout, almost every bodybuilder in life wants bigger arms and includes curls in their upper body workout.
This tool-free exercise overloads your arms without relying on a barbell or dumbbells.
How it goes:
· Hold the towel with a shoulder-width grip as if you were doing barbell curls.
· Squeeze your biceps as hard as you can and slowly roll the towel up to your shoulders.
· Extend your arms and repeat.
· Keep your biceps tight without relaxing them!
7. Plank Triceps Extension
Push-ups and dips are effective triceps exercises. But if you really want massive arms, you need to isolate your triceps as well.
This exercise is a kind of skull crusher. And the plus side is that you can take them to failure without worrying about banging your head on a barbell!
How it goes:
· Stand in a plank position with your body straight and forearms parallel.
· Keeping your core stable, straighten your elbows and press back and up until your arms are straight.
· Bend your arms, slowly lower your elbows to the floor, then repeat.
The end
In many ways, your body is smarter than the most powerful computer. They can process large amounts of information almost instantly and perform many other tasks simultaneously.
But in other ways, your body isn't smart at all, but that's not necessarily a bad thing!
For example, you can't tell the difference between leg presses on state-of-the-art equipment in a high-end gym and weird squats in your spare room or garage. It only feels tension and movement.
As long as you work hard enough, your muscles will respond by getting bigger and stronger no matter how much you train them.
This allows you to maintain your bodybuilding progress with equipment-free workouts. This is good news if you don't have time to work out at the gym, or would rather work out for free at home or in the local park.
As long as you train hard and consistently, you can build muscle almost anywhere!