
Why You Should Invest Your Money Now
Know Client Fist Capital's perspective while invest your money
1. The depreciation of the dollar is a well-known fact
But rather than viewing it as a negative, you should see it as an opportunity to make money. If the dollar continues to depreciate at its current rate, in less than ten years a single dollar will be worth only pennies. This makes now the perfect time to invest your money before it loses all of its value.
2. Unemployment is already on the rise
And by some estimates could hit 25% by 2020 if not addressed soon. You can expect companies to lay off massive numbers of employees so they can maintain their profit margin while their revenue declines due to the struggling economy. Investing in companies that are set up for financial success even with lower levels of employment could be very profitable.
3. As the middle class continues to disappear
Many people will work for minimum wage at jobs they absolutely despise. This is an environment ripe with entrepreneurs who are willing to take risks in order to make enough money to avoid working these dead-end jobs. If you have any skills that can be sold on Craigslist or Elance, now would be a good time to invest in them and find customers eager to pay top dollar for your services.
4. The US housing market has bottomed out
And the price of homes is likely to increase as more people move into urban areas where there are more available jobs than safe neighborhoods for their families (and therefore greater incentive to go somewhere affordable). You can take advantage of this trend by finding a neighborhood that's due for an upswing and purchasing a house there. As the neighborhood gets cleaned up, property values will increase and you can sell your home at a profit.
5. The US is in the midst of an oil boom
right now that makes North Dakota look like Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras (not to mention making those with financial investments in clean energy rather angry). This oil is easily accessible thanks to fracking technology and is unlikely to be phased out anytime soon as long as we keep electing leaders who care more about drilling than they do about renewable sources of energy (and as long as their rich donors stay thirsty for black gold).
If you're savvy enough to invest in companies like Shell, BP, and ExxonMobil (or to purchase oilsands companies like Suncor Energy) you'll cash in on this boom for years.
6. The global economy is still largely driven by fossil fuels
Investing in these resources can be very rewarding. Canada's Oil Sands Sector Is Among World's Best Performers This Year lists some of the reasons why petroleum-related companies are likely to perform well in 2015. Likewise, oil prices shaped by OPEC influence are currently quite high which should make any company doing business with other countries' oil industries look quite lucrative come sale time.
7. Despite what you might think
or hear from politicians who receive sizable campaign contributions from renewable energy providers, building new will increase the price of gas at your local service station. When electricity rates are set to rise, consumers may actually make more rapid strides towards plugging-in their vehicles rather than plugging-in their appliances.
8. The U.S., China, Japan and Germany are still the largest automobile markets
in the world by far. While the rest of the developed world is following suit with stringent emissions standards, India and other countries will continue buying petroleum-powered vehicles because they're affordable for most citizens who need a means of transportation to deal with everyday life.
Electric vehicles may be catching on but this adoption rate isn't happening fast enough to meet climate goals that some leaders hope will happen sooner than later. Unless this trend changes soon, automakers won't have much motivation to significantly adapt their roadmaps to include EVs. That's why there are proposals such as the one made by France and Britain to ban gas- and diesel-powered cars by 2040.
Client First Capital is offering Financial Planning advisory services for your better future so you can invest wisely. If you want to know more about it you can contact us or you can call on these numbers +971 55 425 6025 +91 903 504 4490. Our team will get in touch with you for all the further requirements.