
When you get a Cash App Refund, cash will be consequently obvious in your Cash app balance. On the off chance that you have any issue with the exchange before 10 days have passed, at that point you need to arrive at the trader straightforwardly to fix your issues. Alongside this, you can contact the uphold group to request a refund. https://www.customercare-email.com/blog/get-a-refund-on-cash-app-if-sent-to-wrong-person/
Where will the Cash App Refund appear?
Whenyou get a Cash App Refund, cash will be consequentlyobvious in your Cash app balance. On the off chance that you have any issuewith the exchange before 10 days have passed, at that point you need to arriveat the trader straightforwardly to fix your issues. Alongside this, you cancontact the uphold group to request a refund.