
When I meet new people at business events, I boldly introduce myself as a personal effectiveness coach, I say that I advise people on how best to organize their time, team, event. But in everyday life, even peers do not always understand "what it is" and "how it works." So I add the word "time management" and the reaction follows: "Oh, clear!" And everyone packed their understanding into that word. And everyone's understanding is different, for the most part - to master a set of techniques and rules to keep up. That's why there are opponents of this word, those to whom technology has not given in.
With the availability of a large amount of information, we have begun to forget that not everything is reliable, we no longer check the sources. On the one hand, it is easy to find explanations of complex sciences in simple language, and on the other hand, who to trust? That's why I insist on "turning on" critical thinking, and check how much your values coincide with those of those who recommend something to you when you read another article or watch a video blogger.
The science of time management is that a person is determined by their potential, resources, dreams, and then begins to draw a plan to achieve goals, while forming self-discipline.
In general, I am surprised how my colleagues - time management experts, in which mostly economic or legal education, undertake to advise people on time management issues. After all, to study human potential, or rather help, competent counseling without the basics of psychology can not do at all!
Most of the reasons why the case fails, goals are not achieved, procrastination, etc. are in the "psychological blocks" or "fear of the unknown" and the general recommendations read in the book can not do. Probably, after such a bitter experience of cooperation with "experts" and "time management haters" appear, who justify their voyage with the phrase "little life in your life" to let in more spontaneity, we still make God laugh with our plans. …