
ENT specialists are the doctors who specialize in ailments related to Ear, Nose, and Throat. In some cases, you may need to consult an ENT specialist when you undergo some symptoms in your body, especially when conditions become more chronic.
But the question is when and why you need to consult an ENT specialist. Running or blocked nose, ear aches, headache because of chronic sinus, tonsils, etc. can be resolved in time with some home remedies and simple medicines. But when these problems get worse and beyond repair, you need to visit an ENT specialist.
Following are some of the most common conditions when an ENT specialist can help you.
Ear Infection
Infection in the ear usually happens in the air-filled space behind the eardrum. Young children aged 6 months to 2 years are more likely to develop ear infections due to the size and shape of their middle ears.
Ear infection often leads to another illness, causing congestion, swelling, cold, flu, and allergies. It can be painful and can further affect the ability to hear clearly.
Hearing Loss
If you are constantly turning up the volume of your devices, or feel that others are speaking too softly, then it is time to see an ENT specialist. They can determine the cause of your hearing loss. Usually, hearing loss happens from an ear infection, a buildup of earwax, or a ruptured eardrum. If you suspect a sudden hearing loss, see an ENT immediately.
Ear Ringing
Sometimes you may hear a sudden ringing in the ears. If it lasts longer than five minutes and happens more than once per week, then it is a sign to meet an ENT specialist. The doctor will help you with management strategies to decrease your perception of the ringing sound and can suggest you some medications.
Stuffy Nose
This may be a chronic sinus disorder. Swollen sinuses interfere with mucus drains, making it harder to breathe through your nose. The common cause of sinus is nasal polyps, repeated respiratory infections, allergies, and other medical conditions. An ENT doctor can offer the best treatment for this condition.
Sore Throat
It happens due to inflammation of the tonsils. Difficulty in swallowing is one of the main symptoms of tonsillitis. ENT specialists can suggest surgery when tonsils occur frequently and do not respond to other treatments.
Lumps in the Neck
Lymph nodes, situated in our head and neck, also play a vital role in a body's ability to fight off infections. Swollen lymph nodes may get better on their own, but if persistent for more than two weeks, they can be a warning sign of something wrong and require a diagnosis from an ENT specialist.
Emergency Medical Loan in Guwahati
If you are looking for an ENT treatment in Guwahati, there are many trained doctors who can treat conditions related to ENT. They are specialists who can treat many ailments like sinus repair surgeries, common cold treatment, thyroid gland surgery, ear wax removal, and tonsil infection treatment.
ENT treatment sometimes costs high, and can be a burden on your monthly budget. If you are also under a cash crunch, you can opt for an emergency cash loan in Guwahati. GMoney offers easy medical funds to help you treat problems related to ENT. You can even use these funds for any type of medical-related expenses. GMoney emergency funds are easy to apply and come with a facility of repayment in flexible no-cost EMIs.