
Web 3.0 & Blockchain Developer Roadmap — Step by Step
Web 3.0 has the potential to change the internet as we know it forever and you are still early in catching the trend and building your first Web 3.0 application. The future of the web isn’t just coming it’s here and it’s growing fast. Since the World of Web 3.0 is entirely new I have decided to provide you with an entire roadmap on how we can learn it step by step. This Web 3.0 roadmap will guide you from bare beginnings to complete mastery. So let’s get started.
Step 1: You should have Web 2 skills
Most people make one mistake to dive straight into smart contracts without having a technical background in web development. Blockchain technologies are built on top of web technologies. So you can’t learn web 3 before a solid understanding of what web 2 is. To better understand the fundamentals of the Web in general if you are building blockchain applications you will need to create web apps that talk to these smart contracts.
Your Web 2 skills like React, Next Js, or just basic javascript will be hugely beneficial because you will have to connect your decentralized applications to your regular web apps. once you have the basics down we can move to our second step.SAs a Web 3.0 developer, you need to understand –
What is Blockchain?
How it works?
Why do we even use it?
you need to understand the main point of why blockchain even exists and you need to learn core fundamentals. Now there are many different blockchains for example the Ethereum blockchain is the recommended blockchain to start with because there is a lot of technical support and developer team offers great community support.
Step 3: Learn about Smart Contracts
A Smart Contract is a software stored on a blockchain based platform that automatically execute an agreement. Smart Contract are how you can program the blockchain to perform a specific set of instruction. That mean you are telling the blockchain exactly what to do. Smart Contract enable you to exchange anything of value while also eliminating the middleman. It’s just a self executing piece of code.
Smart Contract is :
They can create everything from :
Creating your NFTs
Crypto Currency
Handling the backend of dApps
If you want to dive deeper into learning about Smart Contract I suggest learning about the :-
Basics of Smart Contract
Life Cycle of Smart Contract
How can we interact with the Smart Contract using Web3.js
Step 4: Learn Solidity Programming
Solidity is the language which is used to write Smart Contracts but of course there are other programming language as well but don’t worry learning solidity doesn’t mean that you are restricted with the ethereum blockchain only it will serve you well on other blockchains.
Solidity is the primary programming language for writing Smart Contracts for the ethereum blockchain. It’s a combination of a few languages like javascript, java, C++, rust and any more. Therefore making solidity amazingly versatile and intuitive. As you start coding in solidity it is similar to javascript. Here is a small code sample of a Solidity Programming language.
Solidity Program “Hello Word” code
As you can see in here we are defining a smart contract called HelloWorld. It is just function which is public and simply return a string Hello Contracts. This is really simple language.
Step 5: Compiling, Testing & Deploying Smart Contracts
That is an essential part of learning Web 3.0 because as we know once the smart contracts are deployed they are immutable so it is really important to test them out before deploying.
For testing there are three different testing libraries i recommend :
Once you test these out you are ready to deploy them and for deployment purposes i would recommend :
Once your Smart Contract are deployed you are ready to sixth step.
Step 6: Learn More About Decentralized applications
Once you build and deployed your Smart Contracts you will need to create friendly user interface at the front end so that any user can use it remember earlier when i said that you should have Web 2 skills before starting a blockchain development well that is it but what even is decentralized application? Well in simple words dApps or Decentralized applications are just a application that run on a blockchain
They are decentralised
They are free from the controls
and Interference of a single authority
The Web App is just like your regular web application with HTML CSS and JavaScript but when building decentralised application there are two additional tasks.
The integration with the blockchain
The integration with the wallet
So for that if you are using JS library called web3js which is helpful and easy to use you can even integrate your smart contracts with dApps manually which is a bit more work but is also doable.
Now that you know what the dApps are we can move to Seventh Step.
Step 7: Learn about Metamask or any other Crypto Wallet
Blockchain wallets help people exchange funds quickly transaction are incredibly secure as they are cryptographically signed a wallet is used to interact with blockchain using a wallet is similar to sending or receiving money through paypal or any other payment gateway but you use crypto currency instead.
There are lot of crypto wallets out there but my recommendation would be first to learn how to integrate you smart contracts with metamask wallet and then later learn about the other ones.
Metamask allows users to access their ethereum wallet through browser extension or a mobile app which can be used to interact with decentralized application.
After learning all the theories you should get your hand dirty with the technologies by building a blockchain application. To keep learning effectively you have to challenge your capabilities. Take a project and stick to that project until you complete it by the end of just four to five such assignments you will be more proficient than most other developers in the field.