
In the booming world of digitalization, using your phone to scan and pay has become quite the need. Hence, a technology that allows individuals to briefly use their phone for a few seconds and make payments has gained significant traction.
However, as more transient technology makes its way into the hands of naive consumers, the possibility and probability of online scams happening continue to increase. Using your phone to scan and pay through QR codes seems safe. However, is it comparable to using UPI as a method of payment? This debate could sway either side. However, there are a few steps that an individual can take to increase the safety of QR codes as a method of making payments -
Check the origin of the QR code you are about to scan - Unlike bar codes, QR codes are difficult to tamper with, and thus the main problem usually lies with the source through which the QR code is created. Unlike UPI scan , using QR codes to scan & pay can be pretty risky if the origin of the code is not deemed credible. This is because QR codes can withstand a lot of information, which can easily corrupt the device, extracting private information from the device’s interface without causing significant troubles. Hence, individuals need to ensure that the source of the QR code is both credible and safe.
Visually assess the QR code for any signs of tampering- Although bar codes are hard to tamper with due to their unique, multilayered form. Some QR codes can be tampered with digitally. Hence, before proceeding to scan, pay with QR codes. It’s imperative to check the signs for tampering.
Ensure anti-virus/hacking software or other measures to protect your device - More often than not, the problems that these QR codes can cause can be dealt with using safety apps and procedures. However, one should hope not to be in a situation where the malfunction is caused due to the QR codes. This software can reduce the damage caused to the device, thus helping the consumers.
Although the boom of digitalization has brought numerous new methods of scanning and making payments, sometimes the conventional UPI scan method can be safer. However, using the above safety methods, an individual can ensure that the payments made through barcodes or QR codes are also secure while being effortless.