
Sell and buy bitcoin in Ghana with mobile money through a reliable online platform. Learn about bitcoin trading and sell bitcoin for cash easily at best rates.
Buy and sell Bitcoin in Ghana with Mobile Money
Buy bitcoin in ghana with mobile money
Bitcoin is a digital currency that is being traded worldwide. If we say it's the #1 cryptocurrency then it wouldn't be a wrong statement. Bitcoin trading is legal in most if developed and developing countries. Although in some countries bitcoin trading is undefined. Ghana is one of those countries where bitcoin trading is not legal but there is no Act against bitcoin trading and traders. There are many platforms through which you can trade bitcoin in Ghana. One of the popular methods of bitcoin trading is mobile money. You can sell and buy bitcoin in Ghana with mobile money. The procedure to buy bitcoin with mobile money is simple and contains several steps:
- Login to your BFX account
- Select Ghana currency in the selling field and BTC in the "Recipient gets" field. Enter the amount of GHS against which you want to buy bitcoin. Click NEXT.
- Select the method through which you receive the bitcoin by making payment and add your personal information.
- Review and confirm payment details on the next page then click CONFIRM AND PAY.
- Make payment with your Mobile Money account.
- Bitcoins will be sent to the address as soon as you make the payment.