
List of benefits provided by an app like Earnin for their customers
Many people live from paycheck to paycheck so they are in need of assistance to aid them. In order to be of assistance to people, apps like Earnin offer money based on salary and other related criteria. The main advantage of these apps is that users can collect money digitally through these apps. According to Google, 73% of people are managing their finances through a finance aiding app. Prominent app development companies like Appdupe have come up with Earnin clone apps. These are following benefits offered by payday lending application:
Finance companion
Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives. We take it wherever we go. These finance apps have turned out to be a boon to people during tough times. Users can check their balance and make the transactions whenever they want.
Security is crucial
The sensitive information such as bank details, salary details are present in the app. All details are secure and guarded with end-to-end encryption in the Earnin clone script to assure users’ privacy. Users can completely trust these services with their financial requirements.
Cloud Storage Integration
The data is synchronized and updated as per the modifications that occur so that users can use any personal assistant device they feel comfortable with, like PC, tablet, and smartphone.
Financial apps are getting popular among users. Currently, 2.5 million users have installed a finance app on their smartphones. It is high time to be part of Earnin clone app development and venture into the trending market.