
How can it help keep families together in Canada
One of the hardest things about moving to a new countryis being far away from your loved ones especially your parents. But thanks tothe Canadian government, that they recognize these challenges. This is whyCanada has one of the most admired schemes for the reunification of families -the Super Visa and Super Visa Insurance program for Parents and Grandparents.
With a Super Visa, parents and grandparents of Canadiancitizens and permanent residents can travel to Canada and stay with theirfamilies for up to 2 years. This program also enables multiple entries toCanada for up to 10 years, giving you and your family plenty of time together.
For being eligible, children or grandchildren of thevisitors must provide a letter of invitation and meet the minimum incomerequirements. Visitors submit this letter along with proof that they haveobtained Canadian medical insurance.
To apply for a Super Visa in Canada, the visitors enteringCanada must have at least $100,000 worth of health coverage issued by an Insurancecompany in Canada. It should cover healthcare, repatriation, and hospitalization. This ensures that the visitors can payfor their health care if they face a medical emergency while in Canada.
Cost of Super Visa medical insurance
As per research, the cost of Super Visa insurance in 2019was CAD 1,660 per year per traveller.
The cost of SuperVisa Insurance and coverage options vary as per your province or territory.A survey by claimed that the average annual premium for Super Visa Insurance for a couple was CAD 2,839 for one year, with eachperson getting the required $100,000 coverage with a $1,000 deductible.
Alternatives to Super Visa Insurance
Super Visa insurance is designed to cover parents and grandparents ofCanadian citizens who are travelling to Canada. If you do not fit thequalifications for a Super Visa Insurance, you have other options for travel insurance and visas. Peopletravelling to Canada for temporary stays of less than six months have theoption of a visitor visa.
Super Visa insurance cost is a necessary expense if you want your parent orgrandparent to stay with you in Canada. You can compare the Super Visa Insurance quotes from various companies and choose the best Super Visa Insurance Quote which suits your needs and requirements.
If you are looking for Super Visa Insurance in Ontario, feel free to contact us for a free no-obligationinitial consultation meeting over the phone. We would love the opportunity toget to know you better.
We deal with Canada’s leading insurance companies to findthe best insurance rates in Ontario and the right coverage for you. We are proud to bepartnered with many of Canada’s leading insurance companies. This helps usoffer outstanding service, highly competitive prices, and comprehensivecoverage.