
Health Insurance and Student Insurance for International Students in Ontario, Canada
There has been a spike in the number of foreign studentsapplying for Canadian universities. The highly-regarded educational system thatCanada offers has witnessed a phenomenal increase in the number of studentsenrolling in Canadian schools, starting from secondary to postgraduate levels.So, if you are one of the aspiring candidates to start studying in Canada, youneed to understand that the Canadian education system works differently thanmost of the other countries.
Right from the fee to the admission requirements, criteriachange from province to province. However, two things that stay universal whiletrying to get into a Canadian University or school are the study permit and thestudent visa. To start with your application, you can refer to the Canadiangovernment’s website.
Adding to the list are certain non-academic standards thatone needs to be addressed while planning to study in Canada- prime being anappropriate student health insurance. While choosing one, you have to look outfor student insurance that fits your specific needs in a particular province.If you specifically want to go for a school in Ontario, it’s best to connectwith Canadian insurers who hold wide experience in customizing health andstudent insurances for international students, specifically in Ontario.
Health Insurance isMandatory in Ontario
All Canadian residents have access to free, comprehensiveinsurance that takes care of medical emergencies. Foreign students enrolling inan Ontario school, however, are not eligible for free health insurance. Unlikeother developed countries, Canada doesn’t have a single unified health caresector that takes care of its permanent or foreign residents universally.Health insurance policies vary from province to province. So, it makes sensefor you to choose a health insurance provider who can help you in choosingcomprehensive student insurance canada that covers almost every medical emergency-whether preventive or emergent.
Choosing the RightStudent Insurance in Ontario
Ontario, every year, hosts more than half of Canada’sforeign students. If you are applying to get into an Ontario school, be awarethat the public Ontario Health Insurance Plan is out of your reach. All PublicUniversities ask the prospective students to enroll in a UHIP (UniversityHealth Insurance Plan). Private universities and colleges, on the other hand,provide private insurance for their students. There is an annual fee attachedto UHIP and comprehensive coverage. However, there are too many conditionsapplied. That’s why international students are advised to connect with reliableinsurance providers who give them options of different plans. You must selectplans that include:
· Emergency hospitalization and medical care
· Prescriptions as the result of an emergency
· Ambulance transport during an emergency
· Emergency dental work
· Diagnostic testing like x-rays and blood work
These are the minimum requisites you must look for in aninsurance policy. You can either pick up a standard policy that covers all theemergencies or you can go for an enhanced policy with additional benefits.
To know more contact us at or +1 (866)366-6767 and schedule a consultation now!