
Detailed Project Report
Detailed Project Report
A detailed project report (DPRs) are the output of planning and design phase of a project. DPR is a very detailed project report business plan that elaborates by indicating the overall programme, different roles and responsibilities, activities and resources required for the project.
A DPR is a final, detailed appraisal report on the project. It gives a detailed of the basic programme the roles and responsibilities, all the activities to be carried out and the resources required and possible risk with recommended measure to counter them.
However, the success of the project is measured on the basis of:
Whether the project was completed on time.
Whether actual cost of project was within reasonable limits of escalation.
Whether after completion of the project report it was able to deliver the products of desired quality and in adequate quantity to clients satisfaction at profitable costs.
Whether the project gestation period was within planned duration.
Preparation of Detailed Project Report
The preparation of DPR requires wide variety of expertise. A number of decisions are mutually related. For instance: requirement and training plan is dependent on the nature of the technology, availability in the general employment market in the region, need for foreign collaboration and training, extent of specialised plant and equipments supplied from abroad etc.