
Beautiful Women Filipinina Gowns And Dresses
So you just attended a wedding event… then you got invited to a new one. Now what? If you’re thinking of wearing the same barong tagalog to the upcoming event you were invited to, then fret not as we’re here to help you in keeping your barong tagalog as crisp and sharp as possible – just like the first time you purchased them.
Now you don’t have to Google “how to clean your barong tagalog” because most likely, you’ll end up getting a negative result out of DIY-ing your barong tagalog. You might think it’s hard to keep the material as pristine as possible, but cleaning a barong tagalog is as easy as when you clicked that add to cart button.
So, are you ready to learn how to clean your barong tagalog like a pro?
In this article, we will teach you some tips (and tricks) in order to clean and preserve your barong tagalogs so you can save it for your next event, too! #budgetfriendly
People often don’t appreciate all the benefits of doing things themselves. The dry cleaning process has taken silk fabric production all the way back to ancient times, whereas hand washing is a more recent innovation that emerged in the mid-19th century. If you love your fabric and want it to last for years, try the hand washing method. Handwashing Jusi & Piña, like all natural fibers, doesn’t tolerate abrupt changes in temperature very well. Soaking it only serves to weaken the fabric, causing it to stretch (or even tear), and wash it in water with a few tablespoons of white vinegar added before rinsing and drying will help maintain its shape and prolong its life.
Though silk has weathered thousands of years and so endured many droughts and hot temperatures, its original beauty begins to fade when exposed to the elements. Luckily for you, there’s an easy way to restore texture and brightness back into your fabric. All you need is a tiny amount of hydrogen peroxide mixed in with a clean wash water. Add about 1/4 tsp hydrogen peroxide to your rinse water. If you’re at all worried about damaging your silk fibers, which have survived thousands of years because they are so strong, you can also use ammonia or vinegar as a milder alternative to detergent on silk garments. Your barong tagalog is a treasured family heirloom and the right treatment and cleaning method to stains will ensure that it lasts for years to come.
Jusi and Piña are garments that require more care than other types of fabrics. In wet weather, such as rainfall, there is a risk of the garment becoming brown due to moisture damage. Therefore, if you are not using a dry cleaner to clean your Barong Tagalog, please do not hang the garment up to dry overnight or sun bathe it. Instead, you should carefully roll the Barong Tagalog up in a bath towel and gently press out most of the water from them. Then let them air dry at room temperature away from direct sunlight for about 2 days before wearing again.
If a barong tagalog is pressed while still damp, it won’t be damaged. But if it has dried completely, the garment will be more fragile after the pressing process. Before pressing the barong tagalog, you need to make sure that it is fully damp from washing and not completely dry. If it’s dry, wet it with a spritzer bottle before pressing. Use a cotton-covered ironing board for this and don’t let the steam from the iron leave watermarks on the clothing. This includes seam pressing because many Barongs are hand-sewn which makes them harder to press than machine-made clothes so take care not to apply excessive pressure or pull hard on the seams when pressing them.
The Barong Tagalog is a colorful shirt with a rich history and lots of folklore, so it’s no surprise that it calls for some special attention. We hope these tips and tricks are able to help you with your barong tagalog problems. Thank us later!