
A False ceiling can really transform your office from a boring little room to a modern, sophisticated workplace. Learn all about the pseudo roofs below.The workplace is where one spends most of his working hours. interior designers in hyderabad So having a space that is soothing, clean and appealing is very important. If you have an already ready office space that you cannot do much with in terms of the interior design, you will be surprised to know how big a difference a false ceiling can actually make to the interiors of your office. In addition to enhancing visual appeal, these artificial roofs reduce your power bills and are functional in a lot of other ways.
What is a false ceiling.These ceilings are also called suspended roofs as they actually hang down from the existing surface. You have a few options with the material that is used to make the structure and the type of structure itself. You can opt for gypsum, metal or Plaster of Paris. The first option is great as the ceiling would be light in weight and fire resistant. If you want a metallic look, you can choose the second option. However, there are limited designs available. The last and best option is Plaster of Paris. This is a convenient and flexible material. You can create any design, simple or complex, using this material. Naturally, convenience comes at a price but it is definitely worth it!
As for the type of false ceiling, you again have three options. The first one is a full ceiling where the entire real surface is covered with a new material. This type of ceiling does not have much appeal appearance wise and is mostly used to hide wires and cables. However, you can add a lot of beauty by embellishing it with designed and molded borders. Next, you have exposed beams where metal or wooden beams are suspended with parts of the actual ceiling appearing through them. This is aesthetically great and usually serves the purpose of beautifying a space. Lastly, you have the partial false ceiling where a part of the actual ceiling is covered. This is used in cases like highlighting a special part of the room or lighting it up.
Functionality False ceilings do more than just revamping your office space. They also play an important role in concealing electrical lines or cables in your room. You can also install lights to improve the ambience of your workspace. So, false ceilings also save you the costs of breaking open and rebuilding walls when you need to improve your infrastructure.
Pseudo Ceilings are eco friendly Suspended ceilings are great in converting your office design into an eco friendly one. These ceilings act as insulators and keep your space naturally cool and warm as and when required. Thus, you can save on energy needed in heating and cooling. A light colored ceiling is also capable of reflecting light and reducing the need for additional lights. So you see, false ceilings also contribute to saving the environment and can cut down a great chunk of expenses.You can either order customized ceilings or use readymade ones. However, you need to keep in mind the existing office design before you install the structure. With even the most stylish design and expensive materials, something that does not match the office theme can be quite a disaster. But if you do it right, you get a false ceiling that is too good to be true.