Brown Bags Boxes The Best Alternative to Plastic Bags
Brown Bags Boxes The Best Alternative to Plastic Bags
In our online store, you can find all kinds of cheap paper bags, with or without a handle, bakery bags, take away food bags, and more. We have the paper bag you need.

Brown Bags Boxes: The Best Alternative to Plastic Bags

Everyone knows that plastic bags and plastic packaging is a big threat to the environment as well as land and sea life. It pollutes land and water reservoirs. Plastic bags can travel long distances and ultimately become a part of the world’s oceans. The plastic then breaks down into small pieces which are consumed by wildlife. In this way, plastic is consumed by animals and marine life which entangles their life.

Moreover, it is not only dangerous for wildlife and marine life, but also to humans. It is due to the fact that marine animals consume plastic and unfortunately, humans eat seafood, and thus plastic makes its way into humans which can be deteriorating for their health.

So, to save the land and water from it, a good alternative to plastic bags is brown bags boxes since they are more respectful with the environment. In this article, we will discuss the composition of brown bag boxes and their advantages.

Composition of Brown Bags

The brown paper bags are made with cellulose base extracted from wood, originating from 100% sustainable forests and whose exploitation is carried out in total balance with the environment.

The bags Kraft paper is produced with Kraft cardboard type biodegradable, recyclable, compostable, and ecological. Paper bags are the perfect ecological complement to any type of business, trade, or private use.

Types of Brown Bags

Buy custom brown bags boxes are available with a flat handle or without a handle and are strong and lightweight for any type of business. Kraft paper bags, known as recycled paper bags, are bags with a characteristic brown color. They are very resistant to weight, as well as being cheap paper bags. Kraft bags can also be with a flat handle or without a handle. Paper bags with handles are perfect for all types of commerce due to their resistance. Paper bags without handles are ideal for the food industry, such as bags for pastries or bags for bakeries. All of the paper bags are customizable in which you can print your company logo to make them unique.

Advantages of buying paper bags boxes:

They are recyclable. The raw material with which they have been made can be converted into another paper product.

They are reusable. Its useful life is wide and long, that is, customers can put them many uses in their daily lives.

They are sustainable. A paper only takes a few months to degrade, while the degradation of plastic takes centuries.

They are tough. Thanks to the thickness of the paper, its quality, and its handles, these bags have a strong resistance to weight and humidity. Its raw material is strong and guarantees consumers the safe transport of products.

They are customizable. They can be easily personalized with your logo or brand, your design, or your phrase. A great strategy to retain your end customers.

They are inexpensive. Even for the most limited budgets, they are very affordable. The economy is one of the strengths of these bags because its price is cheap and its useful life is very long.

They are exclusive and they are an excellent medium for business advertising.


For all these reasons, paper bag boxes are ideal for your business or for private use. With the use of paper bags, you contribute to the care of the environment since the bags are biodegradable, easy to recycle, and release less CO2 into the air. In our online store, you can find all kinds of cheap paper bags, with or without a handle, bakery bags, take away food bags, and more. We have the paper bag you need.