
Reading has always been one of my favorite pastimes. Reading improves your knowledge, attention, and outlook as a business owner, in addition to being a terrific way to relax and decompress.
It also provides you with something to talk about when networking. Reading is good in both your private and professional relationships, in short.
But that isn't the issue. The most difficult issue is getting time to read additional books. I was able to do so by employing the following 25 strategies. Neet Previous Year Question Paper
Don't make towering reading goals.
If you're not a voracious reader, don't make the mistake of committing to more books than you can handle. To put it another way, don't establish lofty ambitions that you won't be able to achieve.
Begin by establishing a simple reading goal, such as reading one book per month or 20 pages each day. Increase to two books per month if you're already reading one per month. When you don't overextend yourself, you'll discover that reading is less stressful and more enjoyable. I've discovered something fascinating. You will be able to concentrate and read quickly if your reading is not stressful.
Keep your goals to yourself
Make sure you keep your reading goal to yourself now that you've set it. What is the explanation for this? When a goal is shared, you are less motivated to work hard to achieve it. Keep that aim to yourself if you want to read two books every month.
Quit early.
I'm sure you've wondered to yourself, "Why am I reading this?" halfway through a book. Don't be concerned. It occurs to the most well-intentioned of us. Instead of attempting to force yourself to finish a book you're not enjoying or finding beneficial, put it down and pick up something else to read.
Read books that you enjoy.
This follows on from the previous point. However, you will find it more difficult to put down novels that you want to read.
Always have a book on-hand.
Reading will always be available to you. During your morning commute, you'll read (well, iBook if you are driving). When you're waiting at the doctor's office or squandering a few minutes before a meeting or conference call, there are times when you just want to do something else.
When I'm in line at the grocery store, I find that reading a book helps me pass the time while the person at the register hunts for his card. Instead of wasting time, pick up a book and begin reading.
You can only take advantage of short minutes if you have a book with you. That is why I keep a book with me at all times. And, owing to technologies like the Kindle, it's much easier.
Borrow reading time from something less important.
I figured it out. Reading for two or three hours a day may appear to be a significant time commitment. However, if you take time away from something else, you'll find that it's rather simple to devote more time to reading.
Partake in reading challenges.
Because it's entertaining and interactive, this is a wonderful technique to inspire you to read more books. Goodreads, for example, has an annual reading challenge that turns your reading objective into a game. By looking at what your friends have read, you might also find new books to read.
Create a distraction-free reading environment.
Some distractions are unavoidable, such as when your Amazon Prime order arrives and your dog starts barking. You do, however, have control over a variety of additional distractions.
Begin by reading in a room that is peaceful and free of distractions, such as a television. For a limited time, you may also put your phone on mute or airplane mode.
Stock up.
When you have some extra cash, instead of spending $200 or $300 on clothes or crap you don't need, stock up on books.
It may seem crazy at first, but it's one of the finest motivators to read more because you can examine your inventory and determine what to read next when you finish a book.
Use technology to your advantage.
I am a huge fan of physical literature. Nothing compares to the feel and scent of a real book in your hands. In addition, studies have shown that reading print improves comprehension and retention when compared to reading on a computer screen.
However, transporting a book isn't always easy or convenient. While traveling, you can now read a book on your iPad or Kindle. Even when working out, you can listen to an audiobook via Audible, iBook, or whatever.
In short, utilizing technology allows you to consume even more books throughout the year.
Change your mindset.
"The trick to reading a lot of books is to stop thinking of it as something you do," writes Ryan Holiday, a media strategist and author. "Reading ought to become as normal to you as eating and breathing. It's not something you do because you want to, but because it's instinctive."
This is more applicable to reading newspapers, periodicals, or internet content, but don't be afraid to skim books when reading for pleasure. It allows you to finish the book more quickly so you can go on to the next one.
Read multiple books.
This technique may not be suitable for everyone, however, I have multiple books in various locations. I have one in my bedroom, one on my iPad downstairs, and one on my phone for when I'm driving. I keep a book in my bag at all times.
Having a range of books to read at the same time keeps me interested and prevents boredom. It's also a good way to mix up the books you're reading.
Keep your eyes open.
I'm always looking for new titles to read. The bookshop is constantly full of ideas, and you can look up bestseller lists online. I usually locate the finest books by checking for recommendations on blogs or from friends.
When I find a new book that looks interesting, I make a note of it in my notebook or on Evernote so that I don't forget about it.
Commit to reading when traveling or before bed.
Reading is best done while traveling. Consider all of the spare time you'll have while waiting for your trip and while flying. You might be able to read a complete book while on the road. Note: Before you depart, be sure to download the entire book. You also won't have to worry about turning your smartphone off or paying for Wifi.
Make it a habit to read right before bedtime when you aren't traveling. Instead of watching TV or scrolling through social media, use this option. You'll not only read more, but you'll sleep better as well.
Eliminate decision fatigue.
Decision fatigue is a real condition that can keep you from being productive and forming new habits, such as reading.
Instead of browsing aimlessly for tens of thousands of new book releases, look for curated lists. Any list can help you avoid choice fatigue and increase your reading time.
Settle down.
It's difficult to sit down and appreciate a book when your mind is distracted and racing a mile a minute. You've got deadlines to meet, clients to bill, and dishes to clean, after all. I attempt to finish these irritating duties before reading so they don't distract me. I've also discovered that exercising and meditating helps me relax.
Share what you read.
Remember to keep your reading goals to yourself. However, you should talk about the novels you've read. Because I'm passing along the information or ideas I've just read, it becomes a part of the overall reading process. As a bonus, I receive new recommendations from others. "Well, if you enjoyed that, you should check out this book next," someone will say.
Have your next book on standby.
When I'm about to complete a book, I take a few moments to choose the next one to read. I then promptly switch from one book to the next.
Set a dedicated reading time.
This aids in the formation of a reading habit. Before everyone else gets up in the morning, I always set aside 20-30 minutes for me. Distractions are avoided as a result of this. My favorite time is the 20-30 minutes before I go to bed. At the very least, having set reading hours assures that I read for at least an hour every day.
Buy books that are on sale.
If you're on a tight budget or like to save money, look for books on sale. This is something I used to do when I went to bookstores. I'd stroll in with a certain book in mind. Then I'd walk out with a stack of books that had piqued my curiosity due to their low prices.
On Amazon, you can now simply search for secondhand books or things on sale. It's a low-cost option to start your library.
Join a book club.
Another strategy to get you to read more is to join a book club. You'll get excellent recommendations as well as access to a community where you can discuss and share your ideas. Book clubs have provided me with some of my favorite reads. It makes me think about books I'd never read in a hundred years. Some of these have become favorites.
You can look for book clubs in your area using Google. Book groups on the internetwork rather well.
Hijack your Facebook habit.
"It's difficult to break bad habits. You can, however, take control of your behaviors and change them into positive ones "David Kadavy, author of Design for Hackers, says "Habits start with a Trigger, which is followed by an Action, which is followed by a Reward. Your Investment grows over time. The cycle continues."
In this situation, you can replace your poor Facebook habit with a good reading habit by doing the following, as suggested by Kadavy:
● Reduce the amount of friction. There's something that prevents you from enjoying books in the same manner that you like on Facebook. It feels like a big deal to start a book. If you only have a few minutes, you can talk yourself out of it. As a result, you must allow yourself to read small bits of literature.
● Your Trigger has been hijacked. Grab a book instead of grabbing for your phone whenever you feel your Facebook Trigger. Because a mobile device is too enticing, it's ideal if it's a physical book at first. If you must use a mobile device, adjust your icons so that Facebook is hidden and Kindle is visible.
● Replace your action with something else. Now it's your turn to read the book! Simply pick a page in the book and begin reading. Remember, you must remove any friction that leads you to believe that a book is an excessively large investment.
Read in sprints.
Some days, my focus isn't as strong as it should be. On those days, I set a timer for 20 minutes and read in 20-minute sprints. Reading in a 20-minute sprint keeps my attention from straying and keeps me from being exhausted.
Take notes, read aloud, or follow along with your mouth.
In a public context, this may offend others, yet these hacks can help you better understand the author's point. Speaking aloud helps you come to fresh conclusions and improves your concentration, focus, and retention.
Don't be embarrassed if you scribble notes in the margins of books or on a Post-it note and say them aloud on the journey. This will still increase your literacy skills, transforming you into a lean, mean reading machine.