Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Guru Nanak Dev Ji
The first Guru of Sikhism, a monotheistic religion with Hindu and Muslim origins, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was an Indian spiritual teacher who was born in Rai Bhoi di Talvandi, near Lahore, India, on April 15, 1469.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the pioneer behind Sikhism, perhaps the most youthful religion. Master Nanak turned into the main Sikh Guru and his otherworldly lessons established the groundwork on which Sikhism was framed. Considered a strict trend-setter, Guru Nanak Dev Ji traversed South Asia and Middle East to spread his lessons. He upheld the presence of one God and showed his devotees that each person can contact God through reflection and other devout practices. Curiously, Guru Nanak didn't uphold devotion and requested that his devotees have the existence of a fair householder. His lessons were deified as 974 songs, which came to be known as 'Master Granth Sahib,' the sacred text of Sikhism. With in excess of 20 million supporters, Sikhism is one of the significant religions in India.


Early Life

Guru Nanak Dev Ji was naturally introduced to a working class Hindu family and raised by his folks, Mehta Kalu and Mata Tripta. He enjoyed the greater part of his experience growing up with his more seasoned sister, Bebe Nanaki, as he was attached to her. As a kid, Nanak proceeded to surprise numerous with his knowledge and his advantage towards divine subjects. For his 'upanayana' custom, he was approached to wear the hallowed string, however Nanak essentially would not wear the string. At the point when the cleric demanded him, a youthful Nanak shocked everybody by requesting a string that is sacrosanct truly. He maintained that the string should be made of kindness and happiness, and believed self control and truth should keep the three consecrated strings intact.

In 1475, Nanak's sister got hitched to Jai Ram and moved to Sultanpur. Nanak needed to remain with his sister for a couple of days and subsequently went to Sultanpur and began working under the business of his brother by marriage. During his visit to Sultanpur, Nanak would go to a nearby stream each day to wash and contemplate. One fine day, he went to the stream not surprisingly however didn't return for three days. It is accepted that Nanak dove deep inside the timberland and remained there for three days. At the point when he returned, he seemed as though a man had and didn't express a word. At the point when he at long last talked, he said, "There is no Hindu and no Musalman." These words were the start of his lessons which would finish in the development of another religion.


Guru Nanak Dev Ji then, at that point, came to be known as Guru Nanak (educator) as he made a trip all over to spread his lessons. He established Sikhism, perhaps of the most youthful religion, through his lessons. The religion stresses on the significance of having a profound existence without embracing devotion. It trains its supporters to get away from the grip of conventional human attributes, like desire, rage, avarice, connection and pride (altogether known as the 'Five Thieves'). Sikhism is a monotheistic religion, which accepts that God is indistinct, immortal and undetectable. It additionally shows the ideas of common deception (Maya), Karma, and freedom. A portion of the vital acts of Sikhism are contemplation and the recitation of Gurbani, the psalms formed by the Gurus. The religion likewise advocates equity and uniformity and inclinations of its devotees to serve humankind.

In Sikhism, Guru Nanak is the pioneer behind the religion and its most memorable master. He is likewise viewed as the 'prophet' of Sikhism. He lived from 1469 to 1539 and is loved as a holy person by Sikhs. Guru Nanak Dev Ji He is respected to have established the groundwork of the Sikh confidence as well as laid moral and moral standards for the general public to adhere to. Master Nanak laid out the Gurdwara framework which is an arrangement of love habitats for Sikhs around the world. He likewise presented the scriptural works of Guru Granth Sahib, the 'sacred book' of Sikhism, which contains the compositions of thirteen progressive masters of the Sikh religion including his own compositions.

Nature of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Subsequently, Guru Nanak is viewed as the initial architect of the Sikh religion and the pioneer and first evangelist of it. (1) Guru Nanak was a priest and a strict pioneer from Punjab district of India who established Sikhism in 1500 CE. The lessons of his otherworldly replacements are altogether known as Sikh Dharma, or the Sikh Way of Life. Master Nanak's most renowned lessons are contained in the psalms which he made in his verse. He taught a message of harmony and love for every single person, no matter what their religion or position. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was against odd notions and the idea of position based segregation in India. He advanced no one type of religion yet rather accentuated that individuals ought to lead their own ways to illumination. His devotees have established different gurdwaras or spots of Worship across Northern India where his adherents can meet to contemplate and implore together. Numerous organisations have additionally been named after Guru Nanak like the city of Nankana Sahib in Pakistan and the worldwide

Laying out the three mainstays of Sikhi

The three points of support whereupon Guru Nanak Dev Ji assembled Sikhi are Naam Japna, Kirat Karni, and Vand Chakna.

Naam Japna

Accentuates the significance of keeping our considerations and lives coordinated toward God. Master Nanak Dev Ji urged Sikhs to recall God consistently to eliminate the self image. He likewise urged them to reflect on God through serenade, melody, and recitation as well as contemplating.


Kirat Karni

Urges Sikhs to carry on with genuine lives. We ought to try sincerely and be honest in all we do, particularly in our vocations. This work that we do tops off the vast majority of our days and ought to improve us individuals.


Vand Chakna

Reminds us to be liberal to those out of luck and our networks. We ought to utilize our favors, abilities, and fortune to help other people. This further enhanced Guru Nanak Dev Ji's require all Sikhs to share and give.

Every one of the three points of support make an existence where balance can flourish. In the event that we perceive God in each individual, we should regard them as equivalents. From these three support points, his different lessons streamed.


Ladies' Rights and Empowerment

"From lady, man is conceived; inside lady, man is imagined; to lady, he is locked in and hitched. Lady turns into his companion; through lady, the people in the future come."

Master Nanak Dev Ji tested the numerous treacheries he found in his general surroundings. One of the most predominant issues was the treatment of ladies.

At that point, ladies were not given financial opportunity, training, or autonomy. Their lives were intended to be arranged towards serving their spouses and keeping up with the family.

Master Nanak Dev Ji turned into a promoter for ladies. He scrutinized the foundations and customs that kept ladies mistreated. He made an equivalent spot for them in Sikhi.

Today, ladies keep on holding influential positions inside the Sikh confidence, serve next to each other with men, and take part in all strict and social exercises in a Gurdwara.


Battling the Caste System

"He who views all men as equivalents is strict."

Master Nanak Dev Ji additionally saw imbalance flourish under the rank framework. His otherworldly arousing based on the disclosure that God is everyone of creation is important for that unity. In the event that each individual is important for God, we are equivalent.

This didn't adjust to the position framework that was common at that point. Since early on, Guru Nanak Dev Ji communicated his contempt for the treatment of lower rank individuals by the higher positions. He likewise stood in opposition to the abuse individuals from various religions showed one another.

Sikhi would develop over the course of the years to eliminate any status purposefully. Langar is eaten with everybody on the floor together, all Sikhs have normal family names, individuals of each and every confidence and foundation are welcome in the Gurdwara, and turbans (which were generally worn by higher rank individuals) are worn by anybody.


Founding Langar and Seva

"No deal can be more genuinely productive than to take care of and dress the poor." In Sikhi, being important for God's unity implies we have an obligation to serve our kindred people. We are each of the a piece of a similar entirety.

Vand Chakna advises us to share and give. This rule of imparting to our networks and giving what we can is the establishment for two Sikh practices seva (magnanimous help) and langar (public dinner).

Seva is the utilization of our gifts, time, and fortune to help our networks and those out of luck. Master Nanak Dev Ji quit any pretense of everything to the unfortunate when he started his central goal. He more than once called for others to give and impart to individuals around them.


Langar normally came from seva and Guru Nanak Dev Ji's obligation to balance. This is our public dinner that is available to anybody. Individuals from each position, religion, race, orientation, and so forth are gladly received. Sikhs have served food to a great many individuals along these lines and we proceed with this training today. The dinner is customarily eaten on the floor to underline equity. Nobody sits over someone else.